Albums of Purgatory interview With Childlike Eyes


Firstly, what's the band up to right now?

the band is currently just taking it sort of easy writing new material and playing more local shows while the lot of us are in school. most of the currently written material will be on a future full length.

How would you describe the With Childlike Eyes sound?

the way i describe our sound is: a 3-Dimensional dirty rock band that plays at an incredible rate or a rocky tech-grind band...

How did you get involved with the band?

myself and our guitarist (Ted) were in a band that i will leave nameless together when we decided we wanted something different out of the music we were playing and we grabbed AJ to play the drums for us and the new band was made. so i guess i'm a co-founder.


Can you remember your first gig (how did it go)?

our first gig was at a VFW hall in St. Louis, we only had 5 songs written then and we shocked a lot of people, it was a blast.

Are you involved in any other projects and if so how do they compare to With Childlike Eyes?

no other projects as of yet, but we plan to start working on a mellow side project in the future to balance the equation.

What are your favorite With Childlike Eyes tracks?

my favorite tracks... wow, i love them all... i guess Holy Crip! It's a Crapple! and Pirates and Sluts Don't Make Good Dancing Partners, although i'm really digging our newest song we've been working on called Love is a Nice Way of Saying You Suck at Tennis...

What are your favorite all time songs?

favorite songs all time... there are too many to list... lately, The Velvet Underground-Beginning to See the Light, The One A.M. Radio-All I Can Recall is the Haunting, U2-One, Elvis Costello-Oliver's Army, Louis Armstrong-What a Wonderful World, Bob Marley-Is This Love?, and anything by the Cure...

What the first record you ever bought?


Which album was it that got you into metal and can you explain why?

As the Sun Sets-7744 compliments of Ted

What's the last album you purchased and what did you think of it?

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club-Take Them On, On Your Own... i love it!

What would be your dream band line-up?

My band line up.

If you could do a cover for a tribute album to any band, which song of which band would you pick and why?

i would do a grind cover of Nancy Sinatra-These Boots are Made for Walking

What do you think of the position of metal and music in general today?

music is still underground, well good music...

Which other bands stand out for you at the moment?

The Sawtooth Grin, The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Ed Gein, The One. A.M. Radio, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Do you have any funny stories about the band you can share with us?

not too many, but on our first tour our roadie tried to drive away from a gas station when the pump was still connected.

And finally, what do you see in the future for With Childlike Eyes?

touring... lots and lots of touring is upon us. then maybe we'll have someone put out our records. that would be awesome.


Ancient Tale:

Steve Gershon (Bass/Vocal)

Dave Sherman (Guitar)

Dan Yoffe (Guitar/Keyboards)

Erez Levy (Drums)