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Astral Cars- There was nothing to fear and nothing to doubt

10/4/03: Good news. Jonny Greenwood's Solo Album, the Bodysong soundtrack, will be released on October 27. It features 13 songs, including one with Colin Greenwood, and it also has artwork from Stanley Donwood. Ain't that great?

9/22/03: Hey yo hows it goin, I thought about writing like a big long story, with Dollaboy featuring Tillyboy and Omar, and I was thinking about making a few new characters, maybe make a story about like a drug ring, but make it amusing, ya know? I got Radiohead's new 7 Television Commercials, and let me tell you, it is really, truly amazing. I'd seen Paranoid Android before, but for some reason it's so much cooler this time. I might not post all the time like I did in the beginning, starting up my new site and all, but make sure to watch out for me.

9/7/03: Added a few things, a new picture for the makeup, redid the lies. Snazzy.

8/26/03: I'm getting a problem with popups. Those fucking greedy bastards! You'd figure selling extra space would be enough for them, but nooooo. Well I'll fix it, hopefully.

8/24/03: I got a new story I wrote, called God Forgive Me. This'll probably be the last one I write for a while, or at least put on my site. I'll probably do more stuff in lies and makeup, I know y'all love that.

8/19/03: OK maybe I didn't get the links finished. I'll be around. Oh yeah, Radiohead's new single comes out today (well actually yesterday). I saw it and let me tell you, besides possibly Motion Picture Soundtrack (just my opinion), this could be the best music video ever. Check it out at, I think they have a link to it there, but you'll have to dig in the news archives maybe for a little while, because it was out on the internet before it was ever, like, officially released. Umm... links up soon, I promise, but let me tell ya, I don't think really I have any besides my boy Steve's site, so just chill for a while. You know, I don't know who the fuck I'm talking to, nobody ever comes here anyways. Well, not yet.

8/15/03: Hiya. I'm like finally gonna finish the links section (well maybe not tonight but I'm getting started on it), so If you got a link to send me, just holla at me at I can only think of four like websites, but that's ok. Y'all chill

8/10/03: I added a new story, I didn't really know what to call it. I came up with laze, and something else, but I just decided to call it Omar and Tillyboy. I've been fooling around with these characters for a while, and I might later write some stuff on them too, but just keep in mind that the different stories wont have anything to do with each other, they'll basically just have the same names like in those two Stephen King/Richard Bachman books.

8/9/03: I took out the About Radiohead section (they got lots better stuff on other sites) and added the asshole test. Umm..., I know I did something else too... Oh yeah I made some more pictures for the makeup section but I won't put em' up today.

8/7/03: I've been slackin off with the site. Gimme time, I got a poll on the right side of the page, below the parts of the site, that has the best song (which has to be by Radiohead) of all time. Now I know the phrase "of all time" gets used too much, but I can't find any other way to stress this. Keep reading, I'll be back. Bookmark this site, too, be a good person.

7/31/03: Yo, I'm up. Back with new story, The Snacks that Matter (I know it's a gay title but it makes sense). Check it out unless you're like too lazy or you don't read. It's not very long and most of my stories win't be. Thanx.

7/27/03: Hey I'm driving down to Purdue and I'll be gone for like a week so ya know just hold up I gotta build and it takes time. My journalistic Radiohead endeavors can go unanswered--- this page isn't all Radiohead news, they got that on like the bigger sites ya heard?

7/26/03: News is a must; Astral Cars premiere update center. Expect lots, but be patient. Lots is to come. Understand that there is a bit more to life than Radiohead, which is why I have some other features here, such as the short stories I write (very stylish) and some links. Enjoy life-"