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Happy Birthday love, its been 2 years, and here it is again, hope you like it. *muah* i guess the secret is out now, "i love you". hehe no secret there, im sorry everything hasnt worked according to plans but hehe there's always plan B. And this is it. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me these past years. On your 17th birthday i wish for you to enjoy life, smile just for the heck of it. And most importantly learn to relax. well this is long enough. Enjoy the rest of this "card".(i couldnt find a site for me to design a card for haha did the next best thing)


  • 10. The many names you come up with for me
  • 9. Your Innocence
  • 8. Your eyes
  • 7. Your Soft Embrace
  • 6. Your forgiveness (like how even if i cant think of 10 things to say you'd still love me)
  • 5. Your cute-ness
  • 4. Your Passion
  • 3. Your Determination
  • 2. Your sex
  • 1. Your smile (hehe i dont think its fair when people put because you're you...that's cheating out of an answer)

Well love you've reached your 17th birthday,only one more year til freedom. My parents, dad and MOM included, she says she's only looking out for us, *muah* dont worry by the time you read this then I've already given you your real present and so please dont be mad at my mom. she says she loves you and wishes you a happy birthday. My dad says "ready go" and does that lil gun thing yall do with the physics ehhh you know what i mean he says he sends his love, and wishes you a happy birthday. I love you and im not the only one...

With Love,

Everyone who's anyone
Your Brother
- your star -

NirvanaSatan (2:14:43 AM): happy bday NirvanaSatan (2:14:47 AM): may u have many more NirvanaSatan (2:14:50 AM): i'll call u NirvanaSatan (2:14:51 AM): lol NirvanaSatan (2:14:57 AM): i dunno , jus happy bday

NaMo4184 (2:15:50 AM): Ay!! Wut'up Foo Keep it real dirty ya'hea'r

elscx: "blink" *nod* "smile" - J. Morales