This is my web page that will basicly talk about me and the stuff I like.
If you have a problem with that i suggest you visit this site.

Update Log:
12/31/01- Major update. I got bored so i decided to bring
this page back from the dead.
Please look through my site, who knows, maybe you will find
something interesting *wink*.

11/06/01- No site updates, except my ever-changing RWK section.
As for other stuff, not much happened.
I will add a guestbook soon, I hope, along with new clip art and a few more sections,
including a database of Friends and family.

11/05/01- First version of site put up today, I'm glad i got it done
today after hand coding the whole damn thing :-/
Anyway, today i have my first day of basketball try-out's. Personally I'm
aiming for JV-2 (I'm realistic).

Now i'm looking for some other cool stuff to put on my site, and I'm already looking into
another site format, as this one is crapy and i personally hate it. Please visit
the contact page and make suggestions. Thanks :-)

Now that i've filtered out the losers, please navigate through the site via the links below.
Favorite Links
Contact Me
Race War Kingdoms
Clip Art