Hit Deity Was Here!!!
(It's Still Under Construction...)
Hobbies and Interests
- Thief Level Design - I'm still learning
- Computers - everything about them is fun, even their quirks. Give me one over a gaming platform anyday!
- Golf - I'm currently shooting about 108 per 18 holes, so it's playing me!
- Favorite Cartoon - Spongebob Squarepants
- I can solve a Rubik's Cube (really, I can)
My Favorite Web Sites
A Great Band - Candlemass
A Great Site for Thief Discussions. Check out the Editors' Guild and FM's
I hope to fill up this space with really great stuff one day....
As things get calmed down, and easier, I might update it to something more 'home-y'. Until then...
I'm always happy to help fellow Dromeders out! E-mail me.
Email: m.garland@verizon.net