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Name: Mekasha Aninota Silver Abilities: She is able to faze in and out, to any shape she would wish, be it a person
Age: (Apparent) 19 (Real) 60,021 Or an inanimate object. There really is not many restraints that she could possibly

Clan: Final Legends --- Council Member

have. Though each form she takes, her eyes remain the same silver color. That and
Height: (Human) 6'0 (True Demon) 6'5 the smoke which hangs around her, usually gives it away.
Race: Demoness  
Weight: (Human) 130 lbs, (Demon) 165 lbs Weakness: Healing magics. She can not stand them, mainly for the fact that she is an
Hair: Deep deep Black unholy creature. Therefore healing magics tend to cause more damage than do good.
Eyes: Glowing Silver This really includes only the Holy Healing magics, mainly found withen the exact
Marriage Status: Currently Unmarried opposite creatures.. Not to mention she has this utter insanity problem, where she has
Siblings: Serene_of_Es, LaDonna_Rose, Demornic_HellsNightmares multiple personalities..
Children: Kt_Alyanna_Mestar_MM  
Grandchildren: Adelaide_of_Es, Laurel, {Unknown} Strength: Poisons, and Potions. She'll take in potions and poisons, and absorb them
  withen her body.. And slowly over time break them down, and be able to use said
  poisons and potions naturally. And of course usually for nothing good.