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The Library

Welcome to the library. I'm sure you don't care for introductions much, so why don't you just skip this whole thing and go right down to the good stuff. However, if you actually are one of those people who like intros, keep on reading, because I'm going to keep on talking, you know.

Anyway, here is where all my stories are. Fantasy, science fiction, and so on. They should all be rated on their content and of what you think of them. So there will be two ratings.

**caution** I don't want to get word out later that you think some of these stories are inappropriate. Because they will be labeled as inappropriate for some ages, and if you find offense to those things, do NOT READ THEM, because if you email me, telling me you don't like it, I will not do a darn thing about it. I mean, the REST of my site is acceptable. So don't email me about those things. However, if you do want to email me about sending in stories write here, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.



* - not a very good story
** - not a good story
*** - it as an okay story
**** - it was a pretty good story
***** - it was a great story
or sometimes
****** - did Anne Rice write that!?
Science Fiction
Fan Fiction
Real Life
Scripts & Plays
Short Stories
Anime (Pictures)

Want me to post your story? Email me, and I'll read it.