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Barret Wallace

Blaming himself for the destruction of his home village, Corel by the Shin-Ra, Barret has made it his mission to stop the Electric Power Company from destroying the planet at all costs.

To this end he is the leader of the resistance group, Avalanche.  He is hard, tough, and relies on his strength, unyielding resolve and gun arm to see him through to the end.

His wife was killed in Corel, but his daughter Marlene survived, and is the most important thing in his life, even more so than saving the planet from the Shin-Ra and Sephiroth.

Through the entire story, there is no greater friend, or reliable ally than Barret Wallace.

Job: Leader of AVALANCHE
Age: 35
Weapon: Gun arm
Height: 6'4"
Birthdate: December 15
Birthplace:  Corel Village
Blood type: O


Final Fantasy Forever