The eyes are a woman's most important feature...They're for


This is so sad. I really, really wish I didn't have to do this...


Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease for the fear
Of silent nights
Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming
The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers
And candy clouds of lullaby
I lie inside myself for hours
And watch my purple sky fly over me

I linger in the doorway
Of alarm clock screaming monsters
Calling my name
Let me stay
Where the wind will whisper to me
Where the raindrops as they're falling tell a story

If you need to leave the world you live in
Lay your head down and stay a while
Though you may not remember dreaming
Something waits for you to breathe again


I am a goddess!! I so am! Haha...Ok, I got sick of stupid InfiniteProfile, so I just made a website and linked it. Yup, this is a bored Mina. Anyway, almost all the pics are links now, except that very last GIR. Damn him.

My bunny is SO cute, it hurts. No, really.

Heh. I smacked Larsa in the face really hard this morning, but we ended up laughing. I told her i was gonna do it if she kept pretending to bite my leg. And she did. Haha. What?? I have a younger sibling, what am I supposed to do with it?

Haha...I downloaded Sailor Moon Solitaire...again. Ooh, and apparently I've got the adult version. Well then...all the better to play with.



A lack of contact between you and a romantic partner could have you feeling rather depressed today, dear Scorpio. You might be tempted to jump to the erroneous conclusion that your beloved no longer cares for you, and that's why your phone isn't ringing. Don't fall into this trap. If you try to be objective, you'll realize that this isn't true. Chances are your friend is held up in some way and will call as soon as there's an opportunity.

Don't even get me started...Ironic doesn't begin to cover it.


~Mine Horrorscope~

Some upsets and misunderstandings could cause confusion in the home today, Ramina. However, your natural intuition and insight could well defuse the situation, especially since you are feeling more diplomatic than you usually do. You could also experience artistic inspiration of some sort, perhaps a new project which could in the end be very important to you. It could be important with regard to the career you have, or it could open up new career opportunities for you.

That's what I'm talking about!



Ok...If someone else tells me that Shakepeare wrote in OId English, I will shishkabob them. No joke. I've got the means, not to mention the psychosis.


Go to fucking hell...You know I don't like you.



Mickey Rooney-"Who wants to be tall?"

"I'm reading the bible."
"You're reading the bible?"
"Mm hmm."
"Well, where'd ya start?"
"In the beginning."
"I wanted to do something sexy on this tour -- the feminist fist-in-the-air thing has been done. I'm hoping to blindfold the piano and rub down Alanis with ice cubes," she says, grinning mischievously. "But I'm not sure if she'll find it funny."
-- Tori; Marie Claire Magazine, Oct 1999

"Pope John Paul today confirmed his opposition to gay marriages, said they're unnatural. Gay marriage is unnatural. Then he put on a pointy hat, his dress, and returned to never having sex at all."
-Bill Maher

Apologies were weakness just like friendship and love.

Via infernae, ipse sanctus designo, benevolus aedifico, et propositum bonum vium saxo.

Juggler423: i would go just to see christina aguilera
ScarletJigsaw: i saw her
ScarletJigsaw: she's little
Juggler423: heh heh heh
ScarletJigsaw: she's littler than i am
Juggler423: wah?
Juggler423: no way
ScarletJigsaw: yes way
Juggler423: wow damn
ScarletJigsaw: HEY!
ScarletJigsaw: god!
Juggler423: no offense
ScarletJigsaw: why does everyone say that?!?
ScarletJigsaw: heh
Juggler423: hey if it makes you feel n e better avril's only 5'2
ScarletJigsaw: yes it does
ScarletJigsaw: thank you
Juggler423: hehehehe
ScarletJigsaw: we're taking over the world!!!
Juggler423: hahaha

"I hope one day you call up your father
And you have the guts to tell him how he hurt you
And he made you hurt another
'Cause it makes me sad."

"Writing is easy. You just sit down at the typewriter, open up a vein, and bleed it out drop by drop."

"Every writer, without exception, is a masochist, a sadist, a peeping Tom, an exhibitionist, a narcissist, an 'injustice collector' and a depressed person constantly haunted by fears of unproductivity."

Nunquam latrunculorum obliviscere.