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Cursed Bloodlines

Welcome to Cursed Bloodlines. Originally, I was writing a story to post up here, and have everyone read for their enjoyment. I've decided to drop the whole idea of writing an online story however. I may get to it one day, or I may turn it into an ORPG, I dunno yet. Now I spend most of my time working on sprites and gifs. Its fun, and gives me somethin to do.

I've updated the Sigma & Dynamo section. I also have a ton of new Roadhouse Comics to put up, but its gonna take a while to sort through the old and the new. So keep checking in, and things will look new sooner or later, hopefully....

Thanks again to all my friends at the Zero Virus forums. Alot of the sprites I've made orignally came from that site, and they've all been real helpful. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and keep checkin in, you never know when somethin new will pop up.

A tour of my home
Character Bios
Sprite Shorts and Gifs
My Roadhouse Party
The Adventures of Sigma & Dynamo
The Zero Virus