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An Experiment in Human Sacrifice

Ok so this is the page where I put random stuff and everything fucked up. It should be most triumphant. Have a nice day...

I say BOO!

"Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires."*~Sigmond Freud~*

"Sitting on a park bench, eyeing little girls with bad intent. Snots running down his nose, greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes (hey aqualung). Frying in the cold sun watching all the pretty panties run..."*~Jethro Tull~*

Johnny Depp is amazing in every sense of the word.

Now for some cheesiness...I found this thing I wrote about Thanksgiving when I was 7, and it made me laugh, so I had to put it here. Why here? Because the voices told me to...
The Best Day
The best day of my life is thanksgiving. It has black olives and turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce and pickles. Nobody is coming to our house this is as good as christmas.-me-November 21st 1990

"maybe you're just sitting around reading guns and ammo masterbating in your own feces do you just stop and go 'wow it is amazing how fucking crazy i really am'"

Got Weed?

everyone should watch the movie Fantastic Planet...cuz as we've discovered on the terrain, tomorrow never happens man, it's all the same fucking day man...

is it bad that i like it when things don't make sense and don't fit? nah, stay tuned for more of the odd things that don't necessarily fit anywhere else...yay!
