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+Everyone alsways has family problems...fuck em' all you say? well, here is a tribute to my mom who has stuck it through+

    I am the tipical teenager. Angry, depressed, violent, bad tempored, cute, rebellious, wild, crazy - yet calm and sweet, innocence - - (ugh). I am also very happy - - most of the time, and i always have had my mom to fall back onto. Now, i know this is supposed to be 'just for mom' but i also have my bf to fall onto aswell. Every adolencent goes through the 'lets just slit, spit, and ide - - ?right? well i love my mother more then anything, she will always keep me alive, and always continue to give me the support i know i need. +i love you mom+
Remembering my childhood, with some inside 'mother-daughter jokes'
'what a hottie, right mom? spiderman - - my hero
Ugh - my poor teenage brain, will it end?
I know, I know...i do give you headaches
Look, your *perfect little angel... ...wait...devil? woah!*
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