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I assume you mortals want to know more about the
man (if you dare call him that) to whom I am married.

Naturally, he is one of a kind and irreplaceable.
His kindness and patience towards you humans is
admirable, to say the least. I, myself, find it hard to
cope with you at times, and quite frankly I don't know
how he does it.

Most of the time, my Demon is a sweet, sensible,
and compassionate man. His intelligence and will-
power far surpass my own, and his quiet strength is
what comforts me in troubled times. His intellectual
superiority is unequalled in all the world, or

Our personal life will remain a mystery to you
mortals, for it is far too complex for your minds to
even begin to comprehend. However, I will
tell you that the love and passion we have for
each other is far more intense than anything you
mortals can even dream of. The psychological
and physical bonds we share are far stronger than
those of any human coupling. If you even so much as
try to experience the level of emotional
oneness we share, you will certainly fail. The love
we share is something that will never end; not even
after death, for it will endure throughout enternity.
Never try to come between us, for that is
something neither my Demon, nor I, will stand for.
Try to separate us, and the end result will be
horrifying and gruesome.

As for my feelings toward him, I think I have
already made that quite clear. I love my Demon with
all my heart and soul. Nothing, and no one, will ever
come between us. Our love will endure throughout the
ages, and continue on into eternity and after. As much
as you would like to think so, no mortal could ever
share the same kind of love which my Demon and I
have. It is unsurpassable, and the world will never
know such a love as this.