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Ways to Contact Me


If any gentlemen or ladies that are reading this web site have any questions and would like to contact me about those questions, here is my email address.

NOTE! Before you email me, here are some warnings that you should be aware of:

  1. If someone sends me hate mail full of useless banter, I will ignore you and erase your stupid messages. If you are going to email me about why you do not agree with my opinions, then at least do it in a polite manner.
  2. If any of your messages have threatening remarks on them like "I'm going to kill you" or "I'm going to email bomb you" or something like that, I will call the police and report your email addy and isp number to them and legal action will be taken.
  3. Don't email me about your opinion on how my webpage is designed. Unless there are broken links and/or incorrect spellings on here, I will correct them. Other than that, it is my webpage, and I can design it any way I see fit. If you don't like it, then leave.
  4. Do not tell me what atheism and/or evolution is and what it isn't. I already know or I would not of have created this webpage.
  5. Do not email me to preach to me (I know! Fat chance anyone won't do what I asked on this, but still......!)
  6. You don't need to email me to ask if you can link my webpage into your's or someone else's webpage. You have permission. Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am aware that some of my views and opinions sound almost similar to someone elses. Someone have pointed out that my views "What is the point of prayer" opinion is similar to Adrian Barnett's essay on his atheism wasteland webpage. Believe me. There is no plagery or copyright infrigement involve here. If some of the views and opinions on this webpage is not mine, then I will always accredit the person that wrote the essay.
  8. I hope that you have read these warnings carefully!

    You can contact me by email:

    ...or you can contact me at this email address as well:
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