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Iwo Jima

The battle of Iwo Jima was the in many historians opinions the battle that defined the winner of the war in the pacific. This battle pushed the Japanese back to their four main islands ending their role as the empire over South-East Asia. The Japanese were in control of this land posessing numerous air strips vital to their aircoverage of their territories. It was a key position the United States had to capture before they could end the war. Though not an easy fight, the Americans eventually became victorious.

The Japanese were dug in and fought a defensive battle up until the last man. They fought in bunkers and tunnel networks causing masses of American casualties. They planned for every Japanese to die, but to take with him 10 Americans.

The Americans bombed the island for weeks before the initial invasion. With over 100,000 marines, and 880 ships, it was made the largest armada invasion in the history of the Pacific.


About the Island, Japanese, and American Attackers
Timeline and Overview
Wikipedia Overview