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Hey! je suis Chelsea. My favorite colors are orange purple and green. I'm very random, I have a lot of friends but I have a few friends who are very close. I treasure my friendships because good friends are hard to come by. My favourite word is probably "fun" and I love cats, especially black ones. My cats are my children. LOL I love Marilyn Manson and Eminem. Music is a major part of my life and I love long as i have internet access and a phone wherever i go. I hate liars, backstabbers, rumors, and people who start rumors more than almost anything. I hate treehuggers. If you are one, then get the hell off my page and go get high somewhere else. I'm not interested in your bullshit, so don't waste your time bothering me with it! That's about all I have for now, so enjoy my stuff or go fuck yourself!! Have a Nice Day! (((Smiles)))

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