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Family Connections


My family is quite extended and only getting bigger with my research!!  This page is intended as a quick reference so you can see if we're related.  It contains bare details only, but if something looks promising, please click on the appropriate arrow to access the genealogical data on that family.  Please note that if there is not enough information on a family to warrant its own page there will not be a link, however there will be information on how to get to an appropriate family-related page.  






Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire

Time Period of Research: 1770-1900

Some Key Names: Thomas Barnes, Mary Barnes, John Barnes, Joseph Barnes, James Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Ann Barnes

Related Families: Brind, Bourton, Dew, Fowler, Giles, Liddiard, Matthews, New, Taylor, Wherril, Woodham, Yeomans


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire & Middlesex

Time Period of Research: 1790-Present Day

Some Key Names: John Batten, Edward John Batten, Frederick William Batten, Herbert Victor Batten

Related Families:  Dungate, Earley, Flower, Jordan, Martin, Sleeman, Simco 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Bedfordshire

Time Period of Research:1795-1900

Some Key Names: Charlotte Baxter, James Baxter, Thomas Baxter

Related Families: Beasley, Burton, Worcester


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Unknown county, AUSTRALIA - New South Wales & Queensland.

Time Period of Research: 1770-Present Day

Some Key Names: Charles Beasley

Related Families: Band, Barnes, Bell, Bowman, Bringolf, Brown, Buckby, Byrne, Charlton, Crighton, Critchlow, Crook, Davidson, Davis, Dawes, Dunston, Thomas, Dickens, Evanson, Fleming, Flori, Gaudry, Gibbons, Giles, Gilmore, Gordon, Greenhalgh, Holmes, Hogben, King, Kneale, Legg, Mackenzie, Madgwick, McKenzie, McMahon, Mills, Minniecon, Owen, Porter, Powell, Prior, Radcliffe, Robinson, Rogers, Salisbury, Thomas, Tuckerman, West, Wise

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London

Time Period of Research: 1760 -1950

Some Key Names: Ann Louisa Bentley, William Henry Bentley, James Henry Bentley, William Bentley

Related Families: Dalton, Dormer, McKenzie, Oliver, Paddon, Piggott, Willis

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent

Time Period of Research: 1800-1920

Some Key Names: Harriet Blackstone, Isaac Blackstone 

Related Families: Giles, Hart

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Geographic Distribution: AUSTRALIA - New South Wales & Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1840-1900

Some Key Names: Nancy Hume (alt. Hummuch/Humie), John Bradley

Related Families: Morris

Please see Morris page for further details on Bradley family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent 

Time Period of Research: 1788-1900

Some Key Names:  Mary Ann Bramble, John Bramble, Henry Bramble

Related Families: Dungate, Epps, Keeler, Luckhurst

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Bedfordshire & Huntingdonshire

Time Period of Research: 1790-1880

Some Key Names: Sarah Burton, William Burton, John Burton

Related Families: Bassett, Baxter, Hull, Robinson, Smith, Triplow


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent

Time Period of Research: 1670-1900

Some Key Names: Sarah Butler, John Butler, James Butler, Henry Butler 

Related Families: Baker, Benchley, Caryer, Chandler, Chapman, Cripps, Curtis, Dane, Dungate, Fisher, Greenstreet, Mongeham, Morgan, Sedgewick,  Stroner, Taylor, Tritton, Ward

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Hampshire & Staffordshire

Time Period of Research: 1740-1900

Some Key Names: Ann Caston, Thomas Caston, Moses Caston

Related Families: Caulton, Edmonds, Rogers, Wigg, Woodbridge


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire, AUSTRALIA - New South Wales & Norfolk Island

Time Period of Research: 1760-1860

Some Key Names:  Mary Charlton, William Charlton, Thomas Charlton  

Related Families: Beasley, Cupitt, Finley, Kable, Langley, Upton

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Geographic Distribution:  AUSTRALIA - Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1860-1920

Some Key Names: Helena Clapperton, Thomas Clapperton 

Related Families: Fletcher, Legg 

Please see Legg page for further information on Clapperton family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire

Time Period of Research: 1790-1850

Some Key Names: Mary Cole

Related Families: Gale

Please see Gale page for further information on Cole family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London

Time Period of Research: 1780-1900

Some Key Names:  Emma Francesca Collyer, Frederick Charles Collyer, Henry Collyer, George Samuel Collyer

Related Families: Combes, Ginn, Harman, Lane, Parnacott / Parmacutt, Waldren

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent 

Time Period of Research: 1820-1900 

Some Key Names: Elizabeth Cooper, James Cooper 

Related Families: Horsnell, Campbell

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London & Kent 

Time Period of Research: 1760-1880

Some Key Names: Rebecca Caroline Crisop, Thomas Crisop 

Related Families: Emmens, Morris

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent

Time Period of Research: 1790-1900

Some Key Names: Ann Dalton, John Dalton

Related Families: Bentley



Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Warwickshire and Worcestershire

Time Period of Research: 1830-1880 

Some Key Names: Jane Danks, Joseph Danks

Related Families: Broadhurst, Linyard, Prewitt, Titcome, Wall 

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Geographic Distribution: WALES - Cardiganshire, ENGLAND - London 

Time Period of Research: 1780-1900

Some Key Names: Margaret Davies, Daniel Davies 

Related Families: Davies, Price 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent & Middlesex 

Time Period of Research: 1750-1950

Some Key Names: Mary Ethel Dungate, Henry Dungate, Robert Dungate, James Dungate

Related Families: Batten, Bramble, Butler, Chambers, Day, Mackelden, Miles, Osman, Pearson, Pratt, Skinner, Stone, Strover, Waters, Watts, Wise 

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Geographic Distribution:  ENGLAND - Dorset, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Yorkshire & Hampshire 

                                            AUSTRALIA - Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1755-Present Day 

Some Key Names: Mildred Edmonds, William Spencer Edmonds, Moses William Edmonds, William Clarke Edmonds, John Edmonds, Thomas Edmonds

Related Families: Altmann, Brandson, Brown, Caston, Cooper, Dunn, Ellis, Emery, Farquar, Finlay, Fletcher, Gordon, Hewitt, Hudson, Legood, Linyard, Martin, McFadzan, Morris, O'Hara, Owen, Ruddlesden, Saxon, Simpson, Smyth, Stockett, Stot, Wilson

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Geographic Distribution: AUSTRALIA - Queensland

Time Period of Research: 1890-Present Day 

Some Key Names: Charles Joseph Fletcher 

Related Families: Edmonds, Legg

Please see Legg family for further information on Fletcher family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London, Berkshire, Oxfordshire & Wiltshire

Time Period of Research: 1870-Present Day 

Some Key Names: Alice Mary Flower, Walter George Flower/New

Related Families: Batten, Fanshawe, New, Humberg, Sampson, Steer, Worcester 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire

Time Period of Research: 1780-1890

Some Key Names: Mary Gale, Richard Gale 

Related Families: Chandler, Cole, Rawlings, Stagg

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire & Kent, AUSTRALIA - Queensland & Victoria

Time Period of Research: 1800-Present Day 

Some Key Names: Rose Myrtle Giles, Benjamin Worthy Giles, Charles Giles, Benjamin Giles, Elisha Giles 

Related Families: Baynes, Beasley, Blackstone, Duffy, Falconer, Graham, Greenman, Harris, Holloway, Holmes, Neilsen, Pittman, Richardson, Shaw, Smith

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Geographic Distribution:  ENGLAND - Lancashire, AUSTRALIA - New South Wales 

Time Period of Research: 1790-1900

Some Key Names: Sarah Greenhalgh, John Greenhalgh 

Related Families: Barnes, Beasley, Bennett, Buckton, Carter, Carver, Cheers, Crawford, Hobby, Hossong, Laing, Leade, Locke, Luckie, Marsh, Niven, Sense, Shaw, Thorncraft, Warne, Weekes, Welch, Worland

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Essex & Kent, AUSTRALIA - Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1830-1930

Some Key Names: Hannah Horsnell, James Horsnell 

Related Families: Cooper, Giles, McDonald

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Geographic Distribution:  ENGLAND - London, AUSTRALIA - Victoria 

Time Period of Research: 1800-1970

Some Key Names: Ellen Ruby Price Lane, Joseph Henry Lane, Thomas Lane 

Related Families: Capes, Collyer, Cruze, Entwisle, Houghton, Hyde, Matthews, Oliver, Parmacutt, Price

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Geographic Distribution:  ENGLAND - Somerset

Time Period of Research: 1790 -1900

Some Key Names: Elizabeth LEE, Thomas LEE

Related Families: Pittman, Elliott, Gillett


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London, AUSTRALIA - Queensland & (possibly) South Australia 

Time Period of Research: 1840-1900

Some Key Names: Elizabeth Legg, Joseph Legg 

Related Families: Beasley, Chidlow, Clapperton, Fletcher, Foley/Feldon(?) 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Warwickshire, AUSTRALIA - Queensland 

Time Period of Research:  1830-1940

Some Key Names: Eliza Linyard, William Linyard 

Related Families: Danks, Edmonds 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent

Time Period of Research: 1760-1880

Some Key Names: Sarah Mackelden, John Mackelden

Related Families: Butler, Dungate

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London & (possibly) Lincolnshire 

Time Period of Research: 1830-1940

Some Key Names: Lucy Edwards Martin, Charles Edwards Martin 

Related Families: Batten 

Please see Batten page for further information on Martin family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London, AUSTRALIA - Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales & Victoria 

Time Period of Research: 1780-1970

Some Key Names: Crishop Morris, George Robert Morris, John Morris

Related Families: Andersen, Boyd, Bradley, Crisop, Edmonds, Emmerson, Fischer, Hudson, Humue (alt.Humie/Hummuch), Leavy, Melville, O'Connor, Phillips, Ryle, Smith, Snell, Sosar 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire & Oxfordshire

Time Period of Research: 1790-1950

Some Key Names: Charles New, Isaac New, Mary New, Ann New, Walter George New/Flower, Edward Charles New

Related Families: Aldridge, Barnes, Deacon, Flower, Jones


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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - London & Kent, AUSTRALIA - Victoria & Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1820-Present Day 

Some Key Names: Alfred Thomas Oliver, James John Oliver, William Oliver 

Related Families: Bentley, Lane, Pearson 

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Kent & London 

Time Period of Research: 1820-1890

Some Key Names: Harriet Pearson 

Related Families: Oliver

Please see Oliver page for further information on Pearson family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Somerset & London, AUSTRALIA - Queensland 

Time Period of Research: 1820-1910

Some Key Names: Rose Pittman, Robert Pittman, Charles Pittman 

Related Families: Giles, Kraft, Press, Rawlings, Rayson, Streeter

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Geographic Distribution: WALES - Cardiganshire, ENGLAND - London 

Time Period of Research: 1790-1930

Some Key Names: Ann Jane Price, David Price 

Related Families: Davies, Evans, Lane, Vagnolini

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Wiltshire, AUSTRALIA - Queensland, USA - Utah, Idaho

Time Period of Research: 1780-1920

Some Key Names: Ann Rawlings, George Rawlings, Richard Newman Rawlings 

Related Families: Bodily, Bronson, Bridgman, Duff, Fawcett, Gale, Garner, Gooch, Hillman, Kimber, Kingston, Larsen, Lovelock, McQueen, Newberry, Nelson, Nielsen, Pittman, Poulson, Schertz, Shaffer, Talbot, Thomas

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Lancashire, AUSTRALIA - New South Wales

Time Period of Research: 1790-1880

Some Key Names: Mary Shaw 

Related Families: Greenhalgh

Please see Greenhalgh page for further information on Shaw family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Cumberland, AUSTRALIA - New South Wales 

Time Period of Research: 1780-1820

Some Key Names: Mary Thomas 

Related Families: Beasley

Please see Beasley page for further information on Thomas family

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Geographic Distribution: ENGLAND - Sussex, Cornwall, Bedfordshire, London & Middlesex 

Time Period of Research: 1790-1950

Some Key Names: Ada Worcester, William Gorringe Worcester, Walter Worcester

Related Names: Baxter, Botting, Flower, Harding, Pronger, Townsend, Wickens

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