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My Broken Last Wish

nine inch nails live band

Since 1988 when Trent released his first single Down In It, the members of his live band have been changing. Presently the only band member that has stayed through all the years is Trent. Yet, think about it 13 years is a long time for someone to stay in a band where they have little to no chances to preform their own music. Nine Inch Nails isn't a democracy, it's a dictatorship.

The Current Band

Danny - Trent - Charlie - Jerome - Robin

Trent Reznor

Well this whole site is filled with info on Trent cause well NIN is Trent Reznor. Trenty writes almost all of the music and sings. Sometimes though he'll play guitar, keyboard, or piano. This area is more for the band members. Trent needs to step aside for a moment (don't worry he'll come right back).

Danny Lohner

~dedicated to Ashley~

Danny is the bass player for the band. He joined the band in 1994. Before NIN he was in the heavy metal band Skrew. He also did some work with Rob Zombie. Danny has contributed writing wise to NIN through remixs. He did the remix Complications of the Flesh. Aside from Nine Inch Nails he is close buddies with Maynard James Keenan and has replaced Paz on bass when she plays violin for A Perfect Circle. He also did a remix of Judith. Currently he is helping Paz with her soul project. Oh yeah, and Danny is often compared to Brad Pitt. If you listen closely on the Closure video you can hear the band making fun of him for this. Poor Danny.

for more info on Danny

Robin Finck

Robin is the guitarist for NIN and the one who always gets beat up. Trent seems to enjoy jumping on Robin while they preform live. Robin has to put up with a lot of injuries. He has actually come into Nine Inch Nails twice. In 1996 he left to go play with Guns N' Roses then came back to tour with NIN. Before that he was in NIN from 1993 to 1995. Now he is sorta out of the band because he's touring with Guns N' Roses again but I'm sure as soon as NIN goes back out (which should be soon) he'll come back. Robin's nickname is Queenie because he dresses in drag. And he looks so cute when he does it.

for more info on Robin

Charlie Clouser

Charlie is the keyboardist and theremin player of NIN. The theremin (like I mentioned with Kasson) is the coolest instrament.

"On this tour, for the first time, I'm playing a theremin, which was one of the first electronic musical instruments in history, invented in the 1920's by a Russian engineer named Leon Theremin. It is played by moving your hands in the air around two radio antennae; one antenna controls pitch, and the other controls volume. It is definitly a risky beast to play, because I never know if it's going to be in tune or if it will produce the sound I'm after. Each night's performance is different from the last, and there is absolutely the opportunity for the thing to sound pretty terrible, but that is part of the charm of this instrument."
- Charlie -

Charlie is a very studio kinda guy. If they sold nothing studios they would have to sell Charlie with it.

Jerome Dillon

Jerome is the new guy in the band. He joined in 1999 before the release of the Fragile. There is not much known about Jerome because well he's new. Yet, he's a good drummer so well I guess he services his purpose. Since, Jerome is the new guy we can all make fun of him. "Ha Ha Jerome, look at you waving around your arms and holding those stupid sticks."

Past Band Members

Richard Patrick

Richard was the guitarist for NIN for a long time. He played in the band from 1989 to 1993. Now Richard has his own band Filter. He often enjoys making fun of Trent (Richard what a stupid asshole). I don't like him much.

Chris Vrenna

He has played with NIN forever as the drummer. Him and Trent had been the only two members from the start until he left and was replaced by Jerome. He played with NIN from 1988 to 1990 and then from 1992 to 1996. He went to high school with Trent and they were good friends. He also was Trent's roommate for a while in the beginning. Too bad he left.

James Woolley

James was a synthesizer/keyboard player for NIN from 1991 to 1995. In 1995 Charlie replaced him.

Jeff Ward

Jeff was the drummer for NIN in 1991 (only for a short time). Sadly, he died before the release of the downward spiral. Jeff committed suicide with carbon-monoxide poisoning.

Lee Mars

Lee was a keyboardist who played for NIN during the Pretty Hate Machine era. He played from 1990 to 1991 (not a very long time).

Nick Rushe

Keyboardist for NIN for a little while. And I know nothing else about this guy.

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