Bono Quotes

  • “I’ve got a book…I’ve written poems but I don’t know if I’ll publish them. If I do I’ll call it fuck off volume one. I get Annoyed when people expect me to be a great all a rounder”
  • “Help me…I’ve a frog in my throat”
  • “I was in school, it was the obnoxious teenager phase. Schoolwork’s gone to shit, angry, living at home with two men”
  • “Basically, religion left me cold”
  • “I started a journey out of self-Consciousness toward where I am now, where I wake up and forget that I’m in a band. I will not let that thing called fame change my mood anymore”
  • “You can imagine how annoying it is to have someone like me come in with my head full of big ideas. But occasionally we get a little too easy with the criticism. These are mother fuckers”
  • “If I am close to the music, and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other”
  • “I’ve learnt for instance how to listen to Michael Jackson records, I’ve figured it out. I just pretend I cant speak English. And I’m a huge fan as a result. I mean that.”
  • “If I knew who I was I wouldn’t be an artist, I wouldn’t be in a band, I wouldn’t be here screaming for a living”
  • “it’s a beautiful day…for me any how”
  • “I have a lot of gay friends, and I’ve seen them screwed up from unloving family situations, which just are completely anti Christian. If we know anything about God, it’s that God is love”
  • “You know…I do tattoos as well”
  • “I’m surprised at my ability to trick myself. I find myself waking up in a place you might call despair”
  • “A life unquestioned is not one you should envy”
  • “Everything I say becomes some sort of statement about something of vast importance. I could go on stage, unzip my pants, and hang my dick out and people would think it was some statement about something”
  • “To be united, to be as one, is a great thing. But to respect differences may be even greater”
  • “It’s a con, it’s a con! It’s just a way of putting people off from the fact that it’s a heavy mother. It’s probably our most serious record (Achtung baby) and yet it’s got the least serious title. And it just fooled everyone. They all thought that we’d lightened up. Which is totally untrue. We’re miserable bastards”
  • “There’s a great freedom when you have your feet in two so called mutually exclusive worlds:the world of irony and the world of soul, the world of flesh and the world of spirit, the world of surface and the world of depth”
  • “The fly? Well, to me it’s the sound of four men chopping down the Joshua tree”
  • “Peace doesn’t exist, it’s brought into being”
  • “In your teenage years, music has a lot to do with who you want to be and how your hormones are describing that”
  • “Cowardice, they’ll be throwing sheep over the walls of my nice villa. I don’t take a fight I can’t win”
