Jesus in a leather jacket

Jesus in a leather jacket

“I can’t believe the news today, wish I could close my eyes and make it go away”
4 or 5 years ago these words blasted through my speakers. The voice was that of a true artist, something I’d never heard before. As a musician myself, the lyrics inspired me, they were brilliant and powerful. I could only imagine the man singing it, for he sounded like a god. I’d never heared of this band befor, never seen or heard of any of the band members…but yet this “one” song had such an impact on me. The next day I held in my hands, my first U2 CD, War, with the hit single I couldn’t get enough of “Sunday bloody Sunday”. Keep in mind that around this time my friends are all out buying Britney Spears CD’s (slut) and chasing after their backstreet boys.
Within no time my walls consisted of Bono photos. I couldn’t explain the intense feeling of attraction I had to this poet. I couldn’t see how I’d lived so long without this “God of love”. His voice and hot ass body became indispensable for my sainity. I found myself going insain when watching T.V. or reading magazines and seeing his face. Then after the little scene I made while over at my friends house, it was evident, I was obsessed.
She had turned on her T.V., but due to it’s cheepness (laugh out loud) it took a good minute for the picture to come up on the screen, however there was sound. So if you’re a true Bonotheisist, I’m sure you’ll relate when I say “Oh my god, it’s bono, That’s Bono’s voice. Come on you fucking T.V. WORK!!!” And while screaming this at the top of my lungs, shaking the T.V., and throwing a fit, her parents convieniantly walked in to witness my madness. Two years and many “moments” later I met my first Bono fan. My 7th grade English teacher!!!! This teacher was everything I wanted to be…she had my dream of being an English teacher, she took “my man”, she even took my favorite basket ball team (Duke). “On the edge of destruction” is the only way I know to explain it. I went a full year without revealing my obsession, I job shadowed her and pretended to be the biggest tar heel fan that ever lived (I HATE THE TAR HEELS!!!) But I began to cope with the fact that I’m not the only “follower”, I understood that, like Mrs. Hess-Grove, there are others that devote their life to following Bono. I do give thanks to this teache, for if she hadn’t have tought me things such as this, I probably would’ve ended up like Shirleey Manson (a bitchey bonotheisist). She gave me my first U2 bootleg CD’s, introduced me to many U2 songs, Mr Macphisto, and a lot of inspirational Bono photos.
Switching to a new school, leaving the only person who understood my madness behind, I continued to put all my faith into Bonotheism. And at age 15 I’ve bought almost everything U2 has released, and I continue to grow with hope that one day I can have a Bono of my own.:)
