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A Bit About My Life

My name is Amanda aka Blackrose. I'm a 20 year old University student in the School of Art at the U of M, in my 3rd year. I'm a men's fashion consultant, as well as a bridal consultant.

There are a few special people in my life. Like my parents, who aren't together, but I love them equally. My sweet little baby, Foochow, who is pictured in my arms in the photo to the right. And my sweetheart, Kris, who helps me when I'm down and encourages me to do the best in my art and everything that I do.

I'm also very artistic. I enjoy photography, drawing, painting, designing clothing as well as making clothing, and making jewelry. Mainly Photograph and beaded jewelry at this point in time. Art allows me to express myself with out having to use words to explain how I feel. It's my therapy.

I guess some would say that I'm on the Gothic side of things. It's not a mask to hide behind, but who I truly am. Reflecting who I am on the inside to the outside. I've come to the conclusion that me dressing artisticly and making myself a part of my art, makes me "goth". All I know is I am myself and no one else can be me. Everyone has there own identity.


Goth, Corsetry, Photography, Art, Painting, Drawing, Designing, Sewing, Jewelry making, Beads

Favorite Bands:

Covenant, Zeromancer, Tricky, Ladytron, Rasputina, Switchblade Symphony, KMFDM, NIN, Siouxsie & The Banshees, David Bowie, Depeche Mode, Tori Amos, Evenscence, Fishead, Venetain Snares, etc.

Favorite Artists:

H.R. Giger, Monet, Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Georgia O'Keeffe.

Favorite Movies:

Tank Girl, Hackers, Ameille, Ghost in the Shell, pretty much anything with Angelina Jolie in it (hehehe!) and a bunch of different animes to many to name.

Pictures of Me

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