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12/27/02 12:13 p.m: Well I've been adding some articles. I have two weeks off from school so I can do some things to my site during that time. Oh yesterday I went shopping with my hundred dollars I got for christmas and I got an Eminem shirt yea. I was gonna get a jacket that was blue but it cost 52 bucks and I already knew what I was gonna spend my money on. Also I tried looking for the cleaning out my closet book everywhere no place had it. -sad- I'm gonna get it no doubt. I did get the angry blonde book though which is pretty cool it tells why and gives an explanation to some of the songs that he wrote maybe I'll put it on here sometime. Also I have some magazines I got a poster out of it of Eminem oh yeah!!. Well it's now 3:04 p.m and I have finished my fave lyrics page check it out. It's under site shit.
12/25/02: Just started the new layout...HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAILIE JADE
12/22/02 7:00 p.m: Well I have only added one thing to this site and that's a song on misc songs page. It's called Nail in the coffin. Sorry I haven't done much but I haven't really felt like it.
12/11/02 3:50 p.m: Ohhh I found a interesting site thats got lots of diffrent eminem things on it. Here Also I took the Are you obsessed with Eminem I only got 50% hahaha..and people think I'm obsessive. You may become obsessed, but you aren't yet.
12/3/02 3:43 p.m: Not much going down right now I'm bored so I decided I would work on the site a little bit and add a few things to it. I've been fixing up my 8 mile site also here. I'm probably gonna add some more articles and all my eminem yahoo groups. Just so you can kinda get an idea where I get my information from. 11/18/02 5:45 p.m: Well I know I haven't updated much because I just have been busy. Also I know how it says below I saw 8 mile when it came out also I saw it the day after..-laugh-..yeah that's how much I liked it..Actually it was alot better the second time around for me I guess because I knew what was gonna happen...seriously though if you haven't seen it check it out. I decided to make an 8 mile site just because I'm getting too much stuff on this site, and I got a lot of stuff on the movie 8 mile like articles, reviews, lots of pics from the movie stuff like that so been looking for that in the next couple of weeks to come. I'm also gonna start back on working on the site here. I have alot of different articles to put up, and more to come.
11/8/02 5:34 p.m: Guess what I got to see the Eminem movie today first day it came out. Yea!!! I thought it was pretty cool the part I think I liked the best was at the end of the movie which I can't say what hapens but it was all good. GREAT JOB EMINEM!
10/13/02 6:10 p.m: I have come back to work on the site not that I actually went any where. I've just been workin' on my other two em sites. Which you can find at the bottom of the site. I have added a lot of new things around the site if you just look around. I'm sure you'll notice them. For a couple of things I added an Eminem Junk sectin check it out. I added some articles also finally. Anywayz look around I think I've done pretty much everything I can for now.
10/9/02 5:46 p.m: Well I have been updating the site just not putting down here. I have added quite a few pictures to all the different sections. I added a couple of more thoughts to my thoughts section. Also I'm going to start uploading some more pictures to the site I have about 90 more pictures. Oh yeah I also started working on another eminem site dealing with Eminem layouts that I'm going to be making. yeah for me.
10/1/02 3:02 p.m: I added some pictures to the friends and just eminem pages. Yesterday I also finished up with the Marshall mathers lp lyrics so those are all up. I added a new section called Em's misc lyrics to figure out exactly what the hell that is check it out. So for now peace.
9/29/02 6:05 p.m: Well I have finished putting up the eminem show lyrics if anyone was interested in seeing them now all I have is the marshall mathers lp to put up..hell yeah. I also added a couple of pictures to the different sections. I'm on a god damn roll people yea for me.
9/21/02 12:38 noon: Well I have officially finished all picture pages including the ones of just eminem. So now I vcan start to finish up the lyiric pages. Since I've been saying I will.
9/19/02 6:16 p.m: -thinkz- I have started to add pictures to the just eminem section. I now have more pictures to upload to the site. Anywayz yeah I'm doing ok.
9/18/02 3:37 p.m: Well now that I have uploaded all my eminem pics to the site it's time for me to start putting them on go me..-rollz eyez- Also after all that's done I'll be working on getting the lyrics up and then working on my thoughts section.
9/16/02 3:21 p.m: I have updated a little I added more pics to the vma and friends section check it out. Now I am about to start working on getting all the just eminem photos up that I have, and also getting the lyrics to the other 2 cd's up.
9/12/02 3:29 p.m: Well I have finally come around to putting up all the lyrics for the Slim Shady Lp. I'll get around to the others later on. 4:01 p.m: I have finally added the pics to ems cd covers, ams cartoon pics, and em's family. Just eminem will probably be added last because I have 109 pictures in that one category.
9/11/02: Well I haven't really been doing alot to the site. I have decided to change the layout up just a bit meaning the banners and colors mainly to version 2.0 chek back soon to see it.
Updated again I have now changed the layout colors and everything also I have added some lyrics to the albums. Oh and I added a new page called Em's Midis check it out.
8/31/02: Morning: I know the navigation is a little fucked up right now so forgive me I'm trying to fix it I have added a couple of things as you can see a lot of links to different em sites, I changed the bio around a little bit. I'll start getting the pictures up soon.
-Later in the day update: 5:00 p.m: I have now fixed the navigation up a bit and added a few new pages the movie one which is about his upcoming movie, sslp, mmlp, and the eminem show one. Those are going to be where I put the lyrics to each of the albums. The songs page has some songs that actually play the music with a copy/paste code you can use for your site. Right now thats about it.
8/30/02: I have decided that I'm prolly gonna change the layout not that anyone cares. Also I will be adding and updating now more regularly. As you see I added a tagboard please feel free to tag it.
5/20/02: Just started workin on this page and making the layout..