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Personal introduction of Meimei.

Hi… my name is Meimei. I'm excited to be in NTU, but at the same time, fearful. All my close friends are attached, and I can't help but feel left out when I'm around them. My cousin tells me that if I don't get attached in university, I never will. Will you help me?

Name: Seow Meimei
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, embroidery
Sports: Swimming, squash, bowling
Specialty dish: Cream sauce pasta
Philosophy: I am a happy person, I love life and I like people who love life. I need freedom. I think that it is important to do things you enjoy, not leave your life to destiny. I mean, carpe diem, the present is all that matters. Happiness is a lifestyle, not a purpose - this is what I am trying to follow.