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Recruiter's Screen Name !!!!

Your Character Name

Your Screen Name*

*(must be exactly correct and in lower case, including the

Character Details
What is your name?
What is your age?
What is your sex?
What is your race (Be specific please.)?
What is your mortality?
How long have you been in the realm?
Do you have any special attributes?
What is it that you want to find in the SotHM?
Please explain what you believe equality and respect is

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List positions & dice in any other Clans. :
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Age (pref. 13+)?
Your Name & Preferred Nickname?
Time Zone ?
Time spent online (Hours / Week)?
Your full screen name in lower case ?

RP Terms Knowledge

:: ::
(( ))
In your own words, describe the following;
Type these dice strings:
Perception for an attempt
Spar Initiative
MS Initiative
Check this box if you can proctor fights.

Select your division. (Details of divisions are at below.)
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
**Add any questions you may wish to ask us along with your application below**

The Divisions

The Onyx Blades:

The most noble and honorable of all the ranks.
They are the first to defend their home and the last to leave.
They are the backbone and the fortitude.
They are afraid of nothing.

Silent Death:

In any reasonably corrupt culture,
there are those who wish to eliminate someone
whose very existence stands in the way of their plans.
Trained killers of hire.

Bounty Hunters:
A ruthless mercenary,
worshipping little besides the price on the target's head,
recognizing few laws save the contractual distinction
between "kill" and "capture."

A gatherer of information.
At the lowest level, they are the common informant,
and eavesdropper with ears open for salable information.
The expert spy is for hire by guilds and governments
to infiltrate opponent's buildings and ranks to find vital info.

Another gatherer, he/she gathers gold and items,
lured by their brilliantine glimmers,
hidden treasures that only the most cunning
may ever chance to behold.

The Dying Light:

They are selfless in humanitarian skills,
their actions fueled by a passion for justice.
They regard their magical skills as a special gift
to be used to promote the common good,
and they devote their life to the welfare of others.
They are admired by the oppressed,
scorned by the oppressors, and respected by all.

Many believe that the wizard is the most powerful
of all mortalities--they intimidate and are convinced
of it through tradition, power, and confidence.
The wizard faces all challenges head on.
There is no opponent too tough and no obstacles too difficult for them.
Their access to magic makes them superior to all others.

No one enjoys being a wizard more than the necromancer.
They delight in dazzling friends and foes alike with surprising dramatic magical effects.
Nothing stirs the heart of a necromancer more than learning
a new magical effect or putting a twist on an old one.
They see magic as a fine art, comparable to sculpting, composing, and painting.
They have more appreciation for a well executed cantrip
than for a mundanely cast high level spell.

Guardians of the Flesh:

They are the heart and soul of the guild.
They risk their lives day in and day out
to serve their guild faithfully and would do anything
in their power to prevent it from being destroyed.

Eyes of Darkness:

They are the common folks of the guild.
Performing needed tasks and working in our businesses thanklessly
or helping us out with kind thoughts and a listening ear.
A necessary part of any guild, but basically non-combative at this stage.
Those in need of heavy training or those retiring
from training will find a secure place within this division.

The Oath

I, , do hereby give my word and understanding that by signing this application, I swear my complete allegiance to Souls of the Harvest Moon (SotHM). Should I ever be found to be working against the guild, I WILL accept an execution from SotHM. If I am accepted into Souls of the Harvest Moon I will swear loyalty, respect, and equality to the guild as an establishment as well as my fellow members. Failure to do so will result in severe punishment or my own execution. I am aware of what is required by my membership, and will do my best to uphold those requirements to the fullest extent of my abilities.