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Our Site

11/16/02-I just managed to login after like... 5 months of trying. Rat bastards trying to hold me down! J/K =P Anyways This is our site, me and my friends. I will try to update it regularly as possible but we all know how much of a pain in the butt making a web page is. I don't care how good you are at it. I could be watching Star Wars or something. Anyways- Its been a while deleted some old info off the page put some new stuff up.Oh and if the site blows... Then ....sorry?

San Simion Weekend


4th Of July 2001


Click the Picture to go straight to their site. Its an older site I don't know if its still up

My Baby Doll ::snicker::Milla Jovovich.

MeUnfortunately at this time my pic isn't working. I will take a better one)


Lloyd (AKA: Cptn Froyd, Blondie) This was taken outside the Whisky A Go-Go in Hollywood we went to go see an old band we used to know Horchata.

Daniel: Being Daniel we did dare him to climb on top of the bath room roof and yell "I AM A GOLDEN GOD at the top of his lungs but the rest stop we was at had like a Sherrif there so it wasn't a good idea. This was taken on the way up to San Simion to go see the Megling.

My Dad. This is my Pops, he trips me out. He is cool, and so is Moms I nbeed to get a picture of them.

Saturday November 16,2002. 8:09 PM-Ok, I know its been like forever in a day and there has been some stuff happened and a lot of things is diffrent now. SO with that being said, if your pic isn't up, don't be pissy I am working on the individual pages...So gemme some time, I just remembered my login ID and Password. Of course you can always catch me on the OD (If you know what my Diary Name is) here...The Open Diary