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Nerd of the Month - November

Alright, by now, it's common knowledge that the Nerd Master isn't a big fan of this whole graduation bit. And, for said reason, I've been doing a lot of reminiscing as of late. There are certain people in life that, for one reason or another, you have distinct elementary school memories of. November's Nerd is one of those people for me. Maybe it's because he was so cute and little. Maybe it's because he had a fondness of eating snack foods off the cafeteria floor. Or maybe, just maybe, it's because he didn't incorporate insults of yours truly into games of Hangman back then.

Gosh, I miss elementary school.

Anyhoo, aside from picking on me by way of pre-school word games, this Nerd's got lots of other hobbies... like picking on me by way of various other methods. Let's see, there's the tripping with crutches, the telling everyone the origin of my being referred to as Kirby, and, the ever popular, staring at me while chewing his gum like a cow. He knows I hate that the most.

So, why give him the honor of being named Nerd of the Month? Because, you just can't help but love the kid. There's something so endearing about the way he tells me to shut up everytime I speak. Seriously, though, he's the kind of person that you know is destined to actually do something with his life, provided he can get away from us long enough. And, the kid counts money like it's his freaking mission, which is always nice when the Nerd Master needs help with her teasurely duties of sorting through hundreds of dollars... in change. Seriously, people, learn how to write checks.

Still not satisfied with his qualifiations? Here's the kicker...

HE DIDN'T BITCH WHEN HE HAD CRUTCHES. And that, my friends, is worth anything he wants.

Congratulations to November's Nerd of the Month, Jon.
