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Kimmy's Hate List

The following is a collection of HOLIDAY things that absolutely suck... there is no debating.

Christmas specials - you know, just because it's "The most wonderful time of the year" doesn't mean that you have to put annoying little kids in every stupid show on TV. We all know that even if little Molly doesn't have enough money for the dollie, some Scrooge type is gonna have a sudden change of heart and buy it for her. It's the same friggin' plot over and over again. Get some originality, people.

Wal-Mart - Don't get me wrong here, I enjoy that little smiley face as much as the next guy - during the first ten months of the year. Then, good old November rolls around. That's when the freaks come out. Basically, the store turns into a huge episode of "Hee-Haw". There are millions of hicks running around that place, slugging it out in the aisles for the last copy of "The Best of 'The Dukes of Hazard' Volume 1." It's crazy, and I want to be nowhere near that place until January.

Talking toys - There is nothing worse than settling down for a long winter's nap, only to hear the repetition of the ABC song coming from the room across the hall. I understand that four-year-olds need to be entertained, but I really don't think that Elmo doing the Chicken Dance is going to better their lives in any way. We drew nice pictures when we were younger. Sure, we drew them on our walls with lead-based paint, but we turned out well enough. There's no need for all the noise.
