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Forwards That Don't Suck

I hate forwards. They are almost always sappy, fake, or just not funny. I dont like to take the little surveys. It makes me angry when someone damns me to hell if I don't send something to 56 people in 3 seconds. I can't stand being laughed at when I forward an e-mail that supposedly gives some worthy cause money, when its really all a scam. I hardly enjoy all the men jokes my female companions send, "reverse prejudice" is still prejudice. And I never like mushy stuff in general. That pretty much rules out 98.4% of all forwards I get.

However, once in a blue moon I actually get a forward that is actually funny or witty. Since a good forward is such a rare site, I have made a little museum of cool forwards.

The Amish Virus

Britany Spears Parody

You Know Your From California When...

Hell of a Chemistry Exam

Real Things Said in a Courtroom

You Know You Grew Up In the Eighties If...

Elevator Pastimes

Flaming Gerbil Article

The Jackass Joke

1000 Ways To Waste Time Part 1

1000 Ways To Waste Time Part 2

A Bunch of Short Ones

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