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Old Battlegrounds News

I've just added the UBMP Project Page which outlines the project I'm currently working on. News items specific to this project will be posted on that page. I should be posting on that page and a news item at the FoC Page when completed and looking for beta-testers.
The BATTLEGROUNDS is being updated again with some style changes, and the fonts are now adjustable. I will be adding a project page hopefully in the next week describing all the work I have been doing for The Moon Project. There's an FoC News Update at the FoC Website which gives a summary of all of our projects, and I should be adding another news bit giving more specific details about mine. I should also be adding a news archive to this page, but will do it manually instead of scripting since the amount of news posted is negligible. Last thing to note is that I've changed my primary E-Mail address to
The BATTLEGROUNDS has undergone a lot of updating yesterday. New URL is just so hopefully all links to the site will be updated. I've cleaned out 20 megs of junk for the entire site, and I'm still not done. The Battlegrounds is now functional again though. Battlegrounds did suffer some downtime last night as the bandwidth limits were exceeded.
I have just completed 2 TMP maps! Stealth City is a nice medium map made for smaller games, and forces a mix of ground and air. Big River is a large 4v4 team map for multiplayer gaming.
I have been working on the CSS scripting for the Battlegrounds, and adjusting the text. Also, I have just added a TMP Pics page where I'll hopefully be adding screenshots frequently. I have noticed that there aren't too many places online with extensive number of screenshots, so I'm going to try to fill this void.
My computer is now running well, and I hope to update the Battlegrounds a bit in the next few weeks. I'm going to be finishing off some maps, and fixing some of the others. I've also considered adding screenshots for each map, and some description on the maps page. Of course, this would mean condensing some of my mediocre maps into a Zip file and hiding them on the bottom of the maps page.
My computer is waiting for a new heatsink, and I currently am unable to do much work. I hope to put the Total Annihilation page back up, and finish off a few maps that need fixing.
I added Knossos XL to my TMP Maps Page. It's the best 2v2 map currently available online for TMP(IMHO).
I added an Abbreviations page to compliment the Stats pages. I also took down the WW3 & TA pages. I feel that they would be too much work to support relative to my lack of interest. I will focus mainly on TMP until Earth 2160 comes out later this year.
I cleaned the coding for the TMP Codes page. It doesn't look much different, even though I spent a good deal of time on it. I still need to clean up the white space along the left side, but this will probably wait another month or 2.
Added a Total Annihilation page. Not much, but it's a start. I'll be adding to this page in the next few weeks.
Added Sand Storm to my TMP and WW3 Maps pages. Will be cleaning up the coding to the TMP Cheat Codes page, adding a lot more console commands, and changing the title to just Codes. Should be testing these with WW3 and coming up with something similar for the WW3:BG section.
Added to the TMP Cheat Codes page. It's now got all of the Chassis, Weapon, and Building ID codes. This list is taken from MoonC and can be used for the "NewOne" code. Thanks to SpaceTug for providing the HTML file. I've modified it (& rewrote chunks of it) so that it would look alright on my page. Quite a bit of work too! Have fun with all the new units.
Added a TMP Cheat Codes page. Also, I began the design of my definitions pages for each faction. Not much, but it's a start.
The Battlegrounds has relocated. The new URL is . Also, The Battlegrounds now has a news section. Currently working on KnossosXL, my FoC member's page, and a glossary for my stats.

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