Garfield Effect: Galaxy Adventure Part 12 When Fate Collides!

It was dark night on the Normany and tension was high. The dark howlings of space could be heard and all were on edge. Garfield was in his quarters plotting strategies of great importance.

"This is the final showdown." Thought Garfield to himself. Garfields team was assembled and all was ready. Soon the last attacks on the Collectors would begin and galaxies destiny would be decided. Garfield laid back on his bed and look on the stars to guide him in his final conflict. Garfield turned soul searching music of Europe as he reminisced over friends gained and enemies defeated with fists of justice. Garfield looked out into window in space his eyes twinkling with the stars and burning like the suns. Just then Garrus entered the room with urgent feet.

"Garfield team is ready for final space combat." Said Garrus with solemness.

"Yes it is time. Let us meet for inspiration speech." Ordered Garfield with commands.

Before leaving Garfield enjoyed one final meal of lasagna deliciousness. He knew he might be eating his next lasagna in Valhalla so he treasured every bite as if it were beautiful woman in a lasagna pot covered in sauce. He made love to his lasagna with great power and care.

"This lasagna is fine like sweet naked woman. I will eat it through and through." Whispered Garfield to himself and he smelled sweet smell of fresh cooked lasagna and tasted it on his tongues.

After enjoying his delicious Lasagna meal Garfield went to the meeting room to make speech to his crew to inspire them to reach for the stars. He jumped up stood on the table with vigor in his eyes and energy in his heart. He pointed to them all as he delivered most riveting speech in history.

"Today we wage war on wicked. No man woman or child will stand in our path of fury. All will be mowed down like grass in a rampaging lawnmower. Space is the butter we will cut through like warm knives. In mankinds darkest hour there is light, we are the light to shine the way to hope. We strike while the iron is soft and ready for pounding. Tonight we are not only soldiers but warriors, engaging in primordial space combat. We fight for ourselves our families our friends, the ladies, and our country. They may say odds are against us but I will take the odds and beat collectors to death with them and then shove them down their throats and make them explode." Garfield roared with inspiration fists clenched and eyes blazing and muscles flexing.

Everyone cheered and applauded at Garfields speech. Jack burst into tears by the inspiration while Miranda tore off her shirt and threw it at Garfield in a fit of excitement.

"TO YOUR STATIONS." Ordered Garfield with manly courage. All of crew went to their positions in preparation of entering the Omega relay for final showdown.

"ENTER RELAY" Garfield ordered with booming voice. As Normany approached the Omega relay cold sweat formed on Garfields orange brow. Exciting dread filled his heart and stomach. However as the Normany approached the relay a ship soon approached them. It was a Collector ship! As the ship approached a hologram appeared on their deck. It was the Allusive man!

"Allusive man what do want? We are beginning final assault, I have no time for foolishness." Scolded Garfield with harshness.

"Garfield you have done well to come this far but you will go no further for I will put an end to you."The Allusive Man said with snide evil.

"WHAT. TRAITOROUS INSECT." Garfield shouted with betrayal.

"Haha Garfield you have done everything according to my plans now I will finally get vengeance. Enough of this disguises and see the true face of evil." Said Allusive man as he removed his cunning disguise to reveal he was Odie! Odie had an eye patch and a cybernetic arm. His shoulder spikes sparkled in space light as his evil cape whooshed in darkness.

"ODIE. YOU LIVE?" Gasped Garfield as he looked on in shock.

Odie laughed with evil laugh as dark powers swirled around him.

"Yes Garfield it is true. The day you killed me you not only killed my body but my heart. I lost the ability to love that day. However I was brought back to life through black magic and cybernetics. With vengeance in my heart and face I went back in time to the beginnings of the universe and created the reapers to destroy humanity and get my vengeance. I then waited for eons in the frozen time until now so I can exact my glorious revenge on you and the precious humans." Odie snarled as he clenched his robotic fist filled with evil.

"You evil fool. I have kill you once I will be killing you again." Challenged Garfield with courage.

"No Garfield I have grown more stronger than you can imagine. My powers of evil are unstoppable. Witness my supreme might!" Odie said as he used dark cosmic powers to capture Garfields ship crew leaving only himself and his combat squad members.

"NOOOOO." Screamed Garfield in despairing cry as he witnessed the horrors.

"Now it is the time for you to meet the oblivion. Be gone!" Growled Odie with bellow as he shot lasers at the Normany sending it spiraling into space to be lost for eternities. Odie laughed and laughed as Garfield and his friends crashed to their seeming doom.

To be continued…