Revelations, and breaking up by On Soaring Wings One day Mamoru asked Usagi to come to his apartment, becase he had something important to talk to her about. "Usagi... we need to talk." Mamoru said as Usagi came through the door. "What's wrong Mamo-chan?" Usagi asked "Usagi I know Rei confessed her that she loved you last night." Mamoru stated to a shocked Usagi. "Mamo-chan please... I.. I'm... I mean I'm..." Usagi tried to explain but was cut off. "It's okay. I just want to know honestly do you love her." Mamoru asked. Usagi was at a loss for words, but still found the abillity to answer. "Yes... I do love her, with all my heart. I'm sorry Mamo-chan." "I see." Mamoru stated with a somewhat sad face. "Well I'm happy for you. You deserve to be with someone you can trully love with all your heart." To say Usagi was shocked would have easily won an award for understatement of the year. "You... You really mean that Mamo-chan." She asked. "Yeah I do." Mamoru answered. "I thought you would be angry?" Usagi asked. "Hey I'm an understanding kind of guy." Mamoru defended himself. "It's not like I'm some sort of ignorant jackass, who needs to be constantly tormented, or killed in order for somone else to find happiness." "Huh?" Usagi asked. "Nevermind that's not important right now." Mamoru said reasuringly. "Okay if you insist." Usagi said before giving a concerned look. "But what about the future? What about Chibiusa?" "I was wondering when you would ask that." Mamoru stated before pulling out a small mettal canister, and tossing it to Usagi, who caught it just barely without lossing her balance. "What's this?" Asked Usagi. "My sperm." Mamoru stated nonchalantly. Usagi just stared at it wide-eyed for over a minute. Before finally understanding what Mamoru was getting at. "Thanks." She said. "No problem. Just please let me be a part of Chibiusa's life? I really want her to have a father figure in her life." Mamoru pleaded. "Sure, no problem. Thank you Mamo-chan." Usagi gave him a kiss on the cheek before proceding to leave the apartment. "I'll allways treasure your friendship." She said as she headed out the door. "As will I Usagi-chan." Mamoru said as the door shut. "As will I."