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The Grandkids

Now this story is a long one. When Britt Brewer and Judy Van Raalte were
gradual students at Arizona State, I was their supervisor. They were very
polite when I first met them and asked what I would like for them to call me
(e.g., Dr. Andersen?, Mark?). To lighten things up, I said "Why don't you just
call me Big Daddy?" Well, like mud thrown, that stuck, and I am BD 'til this
day. They send me father's day cards every year. So when they had their first
child, Hayden Spenser Van Brewer (a.k.a. Mr. B.L.Z. Bub), I became a
grandfather. Here's me and Hayden, the early years.

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Then along came that interloper, Travis, and now I have two grandkids.

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The "Bubs" Hanukkah, 2000

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More to come.

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The universal grandkid, Calvin, takes you home.