[jack's ongoing process of rating every movie ever]
[out of five ]....[ means nonexistant]
6th Day
value:   enjoyment: 
quick summary: Arnold and his clone have a conversation with one another. Two damn Arnolds talking. Crazy, man, crazy. Interesting discussions concering cloning though.
almost famous
value:     enjoyment:    
quick summary: Will make you want to start a band this second.
american beauty
value:      enjoyment: 
quick summary: This movie kills my soul. It makes me drink and cry. I love it.
breakfast at tiffany's
value:    enjoyment:  
quick summary: I kinda remember this movie being good, but when i watched it again....
cast away
value:   enjoyment:   
quick summary: Not bad, not good......One husband...Two husbands!
city of lost children
value:    enjoyment:    
quick summary: The visuals are amazing, the story awesome, the little girl hot.....
value:   enjoyment:  
quick summary: Interesting, to say the least. A bunch of people stuck in a giant cube, filled with smaller cubes. But why? Watch the damn thing, i ain't tellin' ya nuthin'.
death race 2000
value:   enjoyment:    
quick summary: Yes yes! Deadly car races, campy, great, fabulous!
deuce bigalow: male gigalo
value:  enjoyment: 
quick summary: If you like making fun of handicap people, here's your movie.
ghost in the shell
value:    enjoyment:   
quick summary: One of the best anime, good storyline, great art.
high fidelity
value:    enjoyment:    
quick summary: Great for music snobs like myself.
house of yes
value:    enjoyment:    
quick summary: Thrilling. Parker Posie is at her hottest, and the script is excellent. Based on a play too.
immortal beloved
value:    enjoyment:   
quick summary: Actaully one of my favorite movies. A good cry at the end, gary oldman as another madman (this time beethoven), and a beautiful cast with great scenery.
ladies' man
value:   enjoyment:   
quick summary: Bad movie, bad plot, but oddly enough funny as shit.
legally blonde
value:  enjoyment: 
quick summary: Miserable, but me and Seth made fun of it so much that it was almost funny.
lolita (1997)
value:    enjoyment:  
quick summary: There's no enjoyment in this movie unless you love feeling like shit and are thinking about suicide, but it is a damn good movie, much better than Kubrick's version.
o brother, where art thou?
value:    enjoyment:   
quick summary: Nice beautiful movie that i didn't mind watching.
the profession (leon)
value:    enjoyment:    
quick summary: I think i've seen this movie about a dozen times. natalie portman's first and best movie. Thrilling.
quiet earth
value:   enjoyment:  
quick summary: Interesting concept, but long and drawn out, with characters you could care less about.
the sandlot
value:    enjoyment:    
quick summary: A classic film about growing up with baseball and a fear of giant dogs.
save the last dance
value:  enjoyment: 
quick summary: More proof that cinema is going straight down the shitter. Sappy and awful.
scary movie
value:   enjoyment:    
quick summary: I was shocked by how fucking funny it was. Seriously.
shakespeare in love
value:     enjoyment:     
quick summary: Look, this movie's fucking great. Watch it often.
shriek if you know what i did last friday the 13th
value:  enjoyment: 
quick summary: Easily one of the worst, least funny movies that i have ever had the misfortune to see. Simply terrible.
value:    enjoyment:   
quick summary: I think brad pitt is officially america's greatest actor. sorry gary oldman. and you too spacey.
starship troopers
value:   enjoyment:   
quick summary: Lots of death, hot women, great special effects, and cheezy dialogue. Put this at the top of your list for the next man movie night.
sugar and spice
value:   enjoyment:   
quick summary: Mena, Mena, Mena....And the main character is the lifeguard from the Sandlot. Score!
toto le heros
value:    enjoyment:   
quick summary: French for "Beautiful Movie." A kid thinks that when he was switched at birth, he was given a shitty life, and he falls in love with his sister, but she's not his sister.....kinda.