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Saying stupid and ever so pointless things is inevitable when you are a self-admitted Dorkette. So when you're friends with one, it's most likely that you'll be blabbing meaningless junk too.

" A falafel? Well, is it ANYTHING like a waffle? " (Judie tells Mollie that it's nothing like a waffle) " ...oh..thats nothing like a waffle-disappointed sigh- "

" Why you be hidin' in tha booshiss? " -Becca(Mollie cracks up hysterically for her outburst was totally random and out of context of their current conversation.)

Said in a small child voice: " Do you believe in the baby Jesus? " -Judie

" I got nutshot!! " -Judie referring to the passenger seat of the car on our day out to the movies.

" Eew...I saw his butt crack!! " -Becca on seeing Elf's crack and she runs excitedly to Mollie and tells her about her amazing (and blinding) observation.(Becca: Oh no, dont think that i liked it. It was one of the most painful experiences of my life, i almost turned to stone, but I thought Mollie might like it.)

" She paid for the stuff in quarters!! But this was in Abercrombie and Fitch! " -Daphne, embarrassed on a shopping trip with a certain friend.

" So we're just gonna leave and not go in to meet Adena? " -Mollie asks the rest of the group at the movies and everyone agrees to stand Adena

" I is hungry." -Chris giving his input on what to write in our wonderful love letter to an elf.

" Ok, so far we have had two people confirm that Westheimer is that way (points to the left). I thinks its safe to say that Westheimer is that way." -Judie on our 'adventure' to find the theater where Adena was.

Becca: " Knock knock!!"
Judie: " Whos there?"
Becca: " Orange!"
Judie: " What? Rebecca its BANNANA first. Bannana you glad i didnt say orange?!?! Smart..."
Becca: "...I didnt get to finish..."

" EEEEW I got Noah on me!" -Judie referring to when Noah decided that he was going to try to pin her down.

" BLAH!!!" -Rebecca

" Hey, yall wanna know the perfect word to describe the Pontiac Aztek?? Its Quockabash!" -Rebecca (btw its pronounced 'Kwok-uh-bash')

" You think you can have soup?! Well, no soup for you!!" -radio guy on 94.5 The Buzz commercial.

" " -Mollie's half-assed response to every question when she's tired or lazy.

" Dear really hot guy; I want to be my boyfriend you of me. " -Love letter greeting to Elfie.

" He is some hot monkey ass, I'm tellin' ya. " -Mollie

"Bad becca... no soup for you." -Mollie

Becca: "I am going to one of those... foody places for some party"
Judie: "A what?!?"
Becca: "Uh... restaurant!!"

Judie: "There are no movies starting at 8:00, I WANNA SEE A MOVIE STARTING AT 8:00!!!
Rebecca: "What time does Jurassic Park 3 start?"
::Judie looks at paper::
Judie: "8:00..."

Troy: "So, who's with you all day?"
Judie: "No one... Well, my mom brings my brother home at 2:00."
Troy: "So basically, everyone's home when you get up..."

"Stupid fly. Needs to die." Adena

"like no other" Amy

"you know... why dont those kids give that rabbit some trix? It is teaching them to discriminate against people. What happened when the grow up and are no longer kids? Dont tell me, kids at heart eh? I bet the rabbit is a kid at heart. psha trix aint that good anyway" becca.

Youre going to give me sweet and sour sauce, and your gonna like it!!--Chris at macdonalds

If i didnt know you, id hate you. -- Stephen, referring to chris trying to get the sweet and sour sauce.

Much more to come just as soon as we remember some of the dumb things that we said = ).

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the title!