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"Someone out theres listening to the same song, feeling the same way I do" -Better Than Ezra

Hiya! Welcome to the place to be.

This site is made in honor of the site before, which had many of my writings, and well, just a lot of trivial things that really make you think. But, enough of our ode.

Here's a lyric from one of my fav songs which kinda relates here, (it's not country...Imagine that!) its by Trik Turner "Friends and Family" "...I might fail or I might succeed whatever the outcome is just keep your faith in me just believe in me and I will be there..."

My name is Bet, I live in the "armpit" of the US also known as New Jersey. =) I am at a community college, majoring in nursing. I am a HUGE BNL fan.

There are a few songs that I can relate to my life. One being "Who I am" by Jessica Andrews: "...I am 'Abbys' granddaughter, spitting image of my father and when the day is done, my momma's still my biggest fan..." Another being "Why they call it falling" by Lee Ann Womack: "...There was passion there was laughter the first morning after I just couldn't get my feet to touch the ground Everytime we were together we talked about forever I was certain it was heaven we had found...It's like a knife through the heart when it all comes apart It's like someone takes a pin to your balloon It's a hole, it's a cave, it's kinda like a grave When he tells you that he's found somebody new..." (this song brings me to another quote, something a friend of mine told me when I was going through some stuff..."love doesnt hurt, if everything isnt ok, its not love, it just isnt"...Thanx "Edge" I miss ya and I <3 ya bud!)...Since we're on the topic of's another random quote I read..."That's why they call it a crush. If it didn't hurt, they'd call it something else." -Sixteen Candles *kinda comforting*

To all you singles out there, I heard a song which can really help you get through those lonely days! Its by Carolyn Dawn Johnson "One day closer to you" It goes like this..."...So I'm not goning to worry, No I'm in no hurry, Its in the hands of fate theres nothing I can do and it might be tomorrow or the one that follows I've got the rest of my life to look forward to, 'Cause every day is one day closer to you..."

I recieved an email once, and this is how it read: You might be best friends one year, pretty good friends the next year, don't talk that often the next year, and don't want to talk at all the year after that. So, I just wanted to say, even if I never talk to you again in my life, or if I don't even talk to you at all anymore, you're special and you have made a difference in my life, I have looked up to you, respected you, and truly cherished you at one time if not still. (Just take a second and think about that, let all the people you have known in your life, how important they are!)

Here is just a little something to really make you say..."humm"...I heard a metaphor that goes like this "humans are like banannas, you peel some and they are rotten inside....." Humm...makes you think ehh?

In this page you will see some of my writing ["I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you, or kick your @$$ really hard"], a few pics of me and my friends, not to mention, my tattoos. With all the things I want to put in, and the dream I have for this site, it will take a while. Please BARE (hehe) with me.

"Your imperfections are what make you beautiful"

Side note, my eyes are blue in case you can't tell in the pix!

"Life's a B*tch and so am I, so get used to it!"-Ben Gillies

This is a "preprom" pic...My dress was only $20!

This is a pic of me on New Year's Eve '00, "I smile because I have no idea whats going on"

A random pic taken at 7 am! (early bird much?)

This is me and my new hair cut *lol* (its always the little thrills)

This is yet another haircut of mine...I really really like this one! *lol*

This is lil ol me at a big show, WXTU 18th Anniversary show on June 1st! (Great times had by all!) *winks*

This is the guys from Pin Monkey and myself at the Philly Chilli Cook-off 2002! *aww*

Here's me with my cowboy hat!! **yippie**

This is a random pic taken a few weeks ago. Another random pic of me.
**Question** Curly or straight?

Is there any relation? HAHA

Mel and I at the Fez-tival 2001...(BNL was there!)

This is my buddy "Dictionary" and I at Camp Face 2001! (<3 ya babe!)

This is a pic (myself, Bethany, and Christina) at Camp Face 2002! (I miss you guys!)

This is a pic taken at my summer job in 2000

**smiles**"Have you got that Spirit?"

This is Danielle (on the right) and I (on the left) at camp (Summer 2001)

This is Melissa (on the right) and I (on the left) at camp (Summer 2001)

Here are some "real" gentlemen...Mike and Chris in Camden w/ cowboy hats *ohh my*

This is best bud Anjelica..."Always Remember" **personal**

This is Jel and I during Spring Break!

NYC here we come! (Anjelica and I as we set out for our big adventure)

Question is...Did we take the limo to NYC or no?! *lol*

Free...Anjelica and I enjoy the sights! (watch out for the postcard rack ehh?!)*lol*

"Pizza Anyone?!" (This is Anjelica, myself and the guy who worked at the pizza shop we ate lunch at!) **LOL** (Did I mention we have a blast when we're together) *hehe*

"Happy Birthday to me"...HAHA!

This is my puppy, Arnold! This is my puppy he dead?!

The Fam My Bros and I Mom and I!

This is Timmy and Arnold..showing their American spirit! (AAAWWWW aren't they just so darn cute!?)

One more form the 18th Anniversary Show!

Here's part of my family at the Race for the Cure in Philly on Mother's Day...We walk in memory of Abby, we MISS & LOVE you SOOOOOOOOOOO much! (From left: Marty, Amber, Bob (tall guy in the back), Candace, my Mom (in the back), Myeslf (in orange), and Peachy.)

And this is Gram making Nobakes *yum yum* (I Miss & Love you sooo much!)

This is my Pink ribbion (Love you Gram)

This is my red, white and blue ribbon (Love you Pop-pop)

This is my monkey!

This is me and my BIG butt *lol*

After seeing my pics, I feel I should share this quote with you.."Popeye, Now there was a great man. And do you know why?...Because he is what he is..."-Airborne

Here are some tips for you guys to become the Hopeless Romantics you know your girl wants you to be:

1.)Give her at LEAST 5 kisses a day.

2.Cuddle together.

3.)Always be available to give her a back rub after a long day

4.)Compliment her.

5.)Make up a pet name for her

6.)Buy her flowers

7.)Go for walks on the beach

8.)Make dinner for her one night and eat it by candle-light

9.)Go to the beach, sit in a lifeguard stand, under a full moon, and look at the stars.

10.)Play with her hair (WARNING: some girls don't like their hair being touched)

Here's a little something I wrote a long time ago, it is an "Undefined" we go... O.K. so this thing we got what is it? Will it work? Do you actually care if it dies? I pray at night that some how some way u will feel for me the things I think I feel for you. I say think because I'm not exactly sure how that is because of the things you say, the way u make me feel and past experiences. You said you understood that I needed time but I think time may have run out. You are a "man" now and your gonna want your space. You don't need me dragging you down or holding you back like I think I do, which it probably wouldn't even matter if you don't hear form me. Will you be back when I get there? Will you totally give up on the hope I have that someday you and I will be "HAPPY" if thats actually a word. Will you totally "fall off the face of the Earth" like the other one I told you about? Will you care if I do? I think I just might if I can't be you. Hang on a sec that's not what I meant well it is but it isn't meaning: I don't want to sound too "overattached" because I feel it would just push you away and thats not my intentions AT ALL!! Please don't think I'm some "crazy" stalker I just think I know how I feel and I have always been up front with anyone about it. This isn't always good but then again what is?? My whole life I dreamed of meeting someone who would take me for me and love that in me. Maybe I have found him but who's to say because I don't know you "know you" you could have a beautiful girl and just be lying to me. I could be the biggest pain in the @$$. How will I ever know. I can't compete with "REAL" people. You may meet your "TRUE" love and never need me, you may need a physical relationship: that is something i can't give you right now. ;o( You don't really understand what you mean to me. You say you do but I don't think you can. I really want to touch you, smell, and be with you right now. I want to hear your voice, see your expressions when you talk, watch you when you read the funny little things i write, watch a game with you be there to hear about a day that was really off the wall, give you a hug when you think things can't get any worse. Do you think all these things of me?? Will we make the distance?

Here is a little something my friends and I have written: "Nirvana" "Live" at the "Oasis" "Bush". Sit in our "Silverchair" while eating "Smashing Pumpkins" with a side of "Cranberries" and "Korn". Entertainment includes "Reel"ing in "Big Fish". Lite the "Metallica" fire with our "Matchbox 20". Our dessert will be "Sundaes". "No Doubt" you'll have a "Smash Mouth" time. You should be very "Sublime" while eating "Fiona Apple"s. Win a "Mighty, Mighty Bosstones" "Jewel". "Weezer"s are welcome. We've got an ""Orange 9mm" at your "Beck"oned call, be caqreful not to get the "7 Year B*tch" while hanging with the "Fun Lovin' Criminals" from the "Blood Hound Gang" 'cause if you do your "3rd Eye'will go' Blind"then you'll have no hope of becoming a "Prodigy" before the "Green Day". Beware of the "Butthole Sufers", they come out of the "house of Pain". Now you have "Faith No More". The "Police" "Cars" will "Fixx" the "B-52's". We can't do too many "Martini's" because there's school on "Mundy". "Edwin Collins" will "Sting" the "Pavement". We have to go because we have an appointment on a "Talkshow". (thanx Shelly, Bush, K8, and all the people I've forgotten)

If you have any suggestions, or comments, you can im me at Barenakedbby00. Peace, <3, and =)
