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#100 - Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
     The first Donkey Kong Country was a smash hit on the Super Nintendo, and this sequel didn't disappoint fans of the first game. It introduced Dixie Kong, better graphics, and new gameplay elements. Rare is known for making great games. This gem still stands as one of their best.
#99 - NiGHTS...Into Dreams (SAT)
     Sonic Team is best known for their Sonic games. However, some folks believe that NiGHTS is the true treasure of Sonic Team. The gameplay is solid. It's easy to pick up and play, but only practice will give you the best score. Though a sequel seems unlikely, many still pray that someday we'll have the opportunity to soar through the skies once again.


#98 - WWF Wrestlefest (ARCADE)
     Compared to wrestling games of its time, Wrestlefest was simply amazing. When you went to the Wrestlefest arcade machine, you were in jeopardy of spending every quarter you had on this fun and innovative title. Even today, this game is still just as fun to play as it was fifteen years ago when it was released.
#97 - Mega Man II (NES)
     The first Mega Man was like a gateway drug leading to a more addicting drug, Mega Man II. It has fantastic levels, memorable bosses, neat-o power-ups, and a musical score that may be the best of the 8-bit era. Mega Man II is the top-seller that made the lovable blue robot a household name.


#96 - Suikoden II (PSX)
     Much like the first Suikoden, this sequel didn't look pretty graphically, but those who looked past the graphics found a very rewarding and fun RPG. Hours can melt away while trying to find the 100+ characters that can join your party. On e-Bay, it's not uncommon to see this game, used, go for over $100. This game is worth every penny.
#95 - Resident Evil 2 (PSX)
     The first Resident Evil scared the daylight out of Playstation owners, the second one proved that Capcom had the concept of horror down. With better graphics than the original, and two playable characters, each with their own story, it's easy to see why Resident Evil 2 was one of the main reasons that Playstation became such a popular system.


#94 - Tomb Raider (PSX)
     Though action games before it, like Metroid, had a female star, it wasn't until Tomb Raider that the main heroine made geeks drool. But this English adventurer wasn't just geek eye candy, the puzzles were clever, the platforming was a challenge, and you got to shoot stuff with guns. Though recent games in the series have soiled the Tomb Raider name, playing the original will remind you how Lara Croft became a star.
#93 - Shining Force II (GEN)
     Shining Force II is one of the greatest tactical RPG's of all time. There were so many characters and weapons to equip them with; at the time it was almost unheard of. You could play as dragons, phoenixes, and centaurs, and evolve them as well. Even today, the battles in this game are still challenging and fun.



#92 - Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei (SAT)
     The first Panzer Dragoon was fun. Zwei added to the fun of the first with branching paths, one of the most beautiful game worlds ever, the ability to affect the growth of your dragon, and a buttload of secrets. This game is a great shooter and one of the main reasons you should own a Sega Saturn.
#91 - Contra (NES)
     Teachers can blame this game for more children of the 8-bit era knowing the Konami code than knowing the capitol of their own state. Many have beaten this classic, but only a select few have done it in only three lives. This side-scrolling shooter remains just as intense and difficult as it was when it was first released.


#90 - Wario Ware, Inc. - Mega Microgame$ (GBA)
     The idea of playing dozens of games that literally last only a few seconds may sound a little weird, but soon after you start playing Wario Ware, Inc., you become instantly addicted. This game is perfect for a handheld system. You can get a few games in while waiting for a bus, killing time between classes, or just sitting on the pooper. Good times.
#89 - Virtua Tennis (DC)
     Ultimately, this game seems like a 3-D version of Pong. In a way, it is. Just like Pong was addicting back when it first came out, Virtua Tennis was equally addicting...And then some. The World Tour mode, unlockable secrets, and wacky minigames (like tennis bowling) make this title one of the best sports games ever.


#88 - Grim Fandango (PC)
     People love Maniac Mansion and the Monkey Island series, however Grim Fandango may be the best adventure game that LucasArts has ever released. It's a humorous story about a grim reaper whose job is to schedule underworld travel to the souls entering the afterlife. As the game goes on, the plot thickens, you see tons of skeletons, and you're left with a feeling of joy that you've played this game.
#87 - Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons (GBA)
     These two Zelda games are very similar. In Ages you control time, in seasons you control the seasons. In both games, you must rescue a woman from horrible evil. These games are unique in the sense that when you beat one, you're given a password to use in the other, unlocking items you otherwise couldn't get to. Capcom did an amazing job developing these games and keeping that Zelda feeling we all know and love.


#86 - Ape Escape (PSX)
     Ape Escape is one of the most innovative games, if not the most innovative on the Playstation game console. It combined traditional platforming with innovate controls, using parts of the Playstation controler that had often been overlooked by other developers. The additions of inventions and hidden monkeys to find and capture just add to the fun. Many folks consider this to be the best platformer on the Playstation, those people may be right.
#85 - Earthbound (SNES)
     The second game in the series known as "Mother" in Japan, Earthbound quickly gained a cult following in America for its humorous take on the RPG genre. The scratch 'n' sniff card released with the game helps show that. EarthBound doesn't do much different from the rest of the RPG pack, but everything it does do is well done. Done so well, that fans have been waiting for a sequel since its '94 release.