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This is a site where you can download games made by Visual Basic, download programs made by Visual Basic, and read visual basic tutorials... Yes, I know "Programs" is spelled wrong.

10/31/02 - I just got this page started... It's gonna be pretty cool (I hope)... and you better like it!
10/31/02 - Some of the

is done. I am about to make a game called something like "Super Splash Bros"... Also, I've made a chatroom.
11/4/02 - The chatroom was a peice of crap and didn't work. So SCREW THAT EH? Hey I've fixed some bugs on my site, too :)! Have you noticed? THE LOGO!! This site is not done so don't think you're so great...
11/6/02 - I redid the links so it looks cooler.
5/22/03 - Hey look! i updated! well screw super splash bros... im not makin it.. also: i made NibbleWorm! a cool game (pssst download it!)
3/7/04 - Hey I updated again! I added a new game... NibbleWorm 2!! It's so cool! download it! play it! also, keep checking here for new level packs. right now the zip file comes with a level set. you can also make your own levels. quite awesome it is eh?

