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I was bored so i decided to do up some stats for everyone I did Mitch first so his stats are the same on both charts the format for doubles(left side) is: Wins-Losses, Money won, Placement Percentage Tournaments placed in-Tournaments played in, ex: 2-2, 20, 100% 1-1 means they've won two games together as a team, lost two games as a team, won 20$, placed in 100% of the tournaments they've played in, placed in 1 tournament together, played in 1 tournament together. For singles(right side) the format is wins-losses player on top is second number player to the left is first number Ex:5-3 means Player to the left of the number has 5 wins vs the player on top and the Player on top has 3 wins vs player on the left


2003 Stats
2002-2003 Stats