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Under Construction
Javascript stuff December 14, 2004

Wow... I came back to look at my old site and what do I find... Angelfire has gotten even worse since the last time I was here. I remember back when I started this useless little site, Angelfire would put little banners at the top of the screen, I was fine with that. I mean I was using their bandwitdth for free, they have a right to put some ads on my site. But now I see that they have ads that take up almost and entire fucking page. The good part about that is that it may have killed my desire to make a new webpage. I had been thinking about it for the last couple of days. Completly rebuild this page and try to make it something that isn't crap, just as a little pet project. But I don't know, they may just kill my website for insulting their service anyway. But I got nothing better to do... (And the stupid banners go into destroy the organization a bit by crossing onto the border on the left)

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