by SuperDoodleMan If you don't understand a term, look it up in the Terminology txt ------------------------------------- Punch Total: 17 Hit: 3-4 Hit lag: 3 Shield stun: 6 Advantage: -11 Swing advantage: -6 Window of the swing: 3-25 Swing starts: 12 ------------------------------------- Swing Total: 30 Hit: 5-7 Hit lag: 4 Shield stun: 8 Advantage: -20 ------------------------------------- F Tilt Total: 31 Hit: 6-8 IASA: 30 Hit lag: 5 Shield stun: 11 Advantage: -17 or -18 ------------------------------------- D Tilt Total: 39 Hit: 6-8 Hit lag: 6 Shield stun: 14 Advantage: -25 ------------------------------------- U Tilt Total: 39 Hit: 14-17 IASA: 35 Hit lag: 6 Shield stun: 13 Advantage: -13 to -10 ------------------------------------- Dash attack Total: 37 Strong hit: 7-9 Weak hit: 10-16 Hit lag: 6 (or 5) Shield stun: 13 (or 11) Advantage: -23 to -14 ------------------------------------- F Smash Total: 43 Hit: 10-13 Charge Frame: 4 Hit lag: 6 Shield stun: 14 Advantage: -25 ------------------------------------- U Smash Total: 59 Hit: 12-14, 16-18, 20-22, 24-26, 28-29 Charge Frame: 8 IASA: 58 --Last hit-- Hit lag: 4 Shield stun: 8 Advantage: -24 ------------------------------------- D Smash Total: 48 Hit: 6-8, 14-16 Charge frame: 3 IASA: 45 --Front hit-- Hit lag: 7 Shield stun: 16 Advantage: -29 --Rear hit-- Hit lag: 7 Shield stun: 15 Advantage: -22 ------------------------------------- N-Air Total: 49 Hit: 5-29 IASA: 40 Auto cancel: <4 35> Landlag: 15 Lcanceled: 7 --Strong hit-- Hit lag: 6 Shield stun: 14 Advantage: +1 --Weak hit-- Hit lag: 5 Shield stun: 11 ------------------------------------- U-Air Total: 39 Hit: 5-6, 8-9, 11-12, 14-15, 17-18, 20-21 IASA: 39 Hit lag: 3 Shield stun: 6 Advantage: -2 Auto cancel: <4 34> Landlag: 15 Lcanceled: 7 ------------------------------------- B-Air Total: 39 Hit: 9-12 IASA: 37 --sweet spot-- Hit lag: 6 Shield stun: 14 Advantage: +1 --Weak hit-- Hit lag: 5 Shield stun: 11 Advantage: -1 Auto cancel: <8 31> Landlag: 15 Lcanceled: 7 ------------------------------------- D-Air Total: 54 Hit: 18-22 IASA: 49 Hit lag: 7 Shield stun: 16 Advantage: +2 Auto cancel: <2 34> Landlag: 15 Lcanceled: 7 ------------------------------------- F-Air Total: 55 Hit: 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, 25-26, 30-31 IASA: 50 Hit lag: 3 Shield Stun: 7 Advantage: -3 Auto cancel: 47> Landlag: 15 Lcanceled: 7 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand <100% Total: 32 Invincible: 1-30 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand 100%> Total: 58 Invincible: 1-55 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll <100% Total: 48 Invincible: 1-36 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll 100%> Total: 78 Invincible: 1-67 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack <100% Total: 54 Invulnerable: 1-20 Hit: 24-27 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack 100%> Total: 68 Invulnerable: 1-34 Hit: 38-40 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump <100% Total: 43 Invulnerable: 1-11 Soonest FF: 45 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump 100%> Total: 54 Invincible: 1-19 Soonest FF: 53 ------------------------------------- Grab Total: 94 Grab: 18-37 ------------------------------------- Running grab Total: 74 Grab: 18-27, 30-33 ------------------------------------- Extended grab Total: 94 Grab: 18-41 or 42-57 or 59-94 You must press A during the grab window to start grabbing; the grab will continue the remainder of the grab window . The grab-box is larger until and including the last frame before a big flash in the beam (for the first grab window only) Flashes: 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39 Press L to home in ------------------------------------- Running extended grab Total: 74 Grab: 18-33 Same rules as standing extended grab ------------------------------------- Air Grapple Hit: 10-28 (one hitbox on the end of the grapple, another on Samus' arm) Total: 60 Grab a wall: 9-29 Jumping from grabbing: 1-11 (depends on how far you are from the point of grapple, and whether you're dangling) Landlag: 30 Ladfallspeciallag: 4 Ask for more info if you want me to look into it. The more info. ------------------------------------- Bomb Total: 53 Bomb appears: 10 Bomb exists: 73 frames, then boom Bomb does damage for 11 frames Cancel by crouching: 46> Explosion shield stun: 7 Bomb bounces off shield stun: 6 --Bombjumping-- Total: 53 Completely interruptible: frame 2 where frame 1 is the explosion --Increased Mobility-- Air: all of both bombing and bombjump ground bombing: 1-42 ground bombjump: 1-48 --SUPER WAVEDASH-- You must be holding left or right on frame 41, then the opposite on frame 42. If you tilt the stick less than all the way on 42, you get less distance, but for 41, any amount is the same. --Additional SWD info by Phanna-- • Samus' SWD is completely ineffective on any frictionless surface (eg, Samus won't move if you SWD on ice, the UFO, oil, or the slick part of mute city) • Any ground that you can walk on, Samus can initiate a SWD on, as well as move over during a SWD (noting that Samus' SWD gives no actual velocity on slippery surfaces) • Pressing any direction after the SWD is initiated will slow down the SWD no matter what, including crouch cancelling. • The only moves that completely stop Samus' momentum from a SWD are down B, up B, and forward smash (as well as wave dashing). The slowdown resulting from most other moves depends on how much you mess with the control stick in order to perform them, though some moves certainly slow Samus faster than others. • If you bomb as Samus immediately after SWDing off of a surface (level, platform), you don't lose your momentum like you normally would when either bombing from a ground SWD, or SWDing past a surface. Specifically, you can pretty far away from a level if you SWD backwards off the level, bombing as soon as you're airborne to help preserve your horizontal momentum. • Like Captain Falcon's moonwalk-dash-jump, if you hop out of a SWD, you keep a fair, but lesser, amount of your velocity. • You will only automatically ledge hog if the level slants down to the ledge, or you have lost virtually all of the speed of the SWD (obviously, you must be facing the right way), although fast-falling as soon as you've left the level can let you still SWD to ledge-hog at higher speeds. ------------------------------------- Charge Shot Total time to get full charge: 140 Starts charging: 14 Window for shooting charging shot: 14-132 --if you fire while charging-- Shot comes out on frame 2 30 frames of lag --When you stop charging-- Shield: 8 frames of lag Roll: happens immediately (frame 1) --if you fire midair or full shot-- shot comes out on frame 15 29 frames of lag after that Shot lasts 69 frames Weakest shot shield stun: 6 Almost full shield stun: 20 Full shot shield stun: 23 ------------------------------------- Super Missile Total: 49 Missile comes out (ground): 22 Missile comes out (air): 15 Missile lasts 76 frames, then boom (self destructed missile does no damage) Shield stun: 13 Auto cancels upon landing ------------------------------------- Homing Missile Total: 59 Missile comes out (ground): 22 Missile comes out (air): 24 Missile Lasts 111 frames, then boom (self destructed missile does no damage) Shield stun: 7 Auto cancels upon landing ------------------------------------- Screw Attack --from the ground-- Total: 49 invincible: 1-5 Hit: 4-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23, 24-25, 26-27, 28-29 can grab edge as soon as 26 --in the air-- Total: 47 Invincible: 1-3 Hit: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23, 24-25, 26-27 can grab edge as soon as 38 Grabs edges on both sides Landlag: 24 Landfallspeciallag: 24 ------------------------------------- Taunt Total: 70 CHEOOOPP!: 36 ------------------------------------- Jump: airborne on frame 4 Air time: 69 Earliest FF: 34 FF air time: 49 SH air time: 55 Earliest FF: 28 SH FF air time: 38 2nd jump earliest FF: 30 ------------------------------------- Air dodge Invulnerable 4-29 out of 49 Ground dodge invulnerable 2-15 out of 22 Roll invulnerable 4-30 out of 44 Landing lag: 4 frames Dash becomes run at frame 9 Turn-jump Threshold: 13 Run turnaround: 29 ------------------------------------- SHFFMC Fastfall Fire Missile Total 28th frame in air 29 52 28 30 51 29 30 52 29 31 52 30 31 53 30 32 53 31 32 54 ------------------------------------- 2 Missiles in 1 jump 1st missile FF 2nd missile Total 1 50 75 1 51 74 1 52 74 1 53 74 2 51 77 2 52 77 2 53 77 2 54 77 2 55 76 3 52 74 3 53 74 3 54 74 3 55 73 4 53 74 4 54 74 4 55 73 1 50 51 73 1 51 52 73 2 51 52 76 2 52 53 76 2 53 54 76 2 54 55 76 2 51 53 75 2 52 54 75 3 52 53 76 3 53 54 76 3 54 55 76 3 52 54 75 4 53 54 75 4 54 55 75 5 54 55 76 ------------------------------------- Full jump FFMC FF fire missile Total 34 35 66 34 36 66 34 37 65 34 38 64 34 39 64 34 40 63 34 41 62 35 36 67 35 37 67 35 38 66 35 39 65 35 40 65 35 41 64 35 42 63 36 37 68 36 38 68 36 39 67 36 40 66 36 41 66 36 42 65 36 43 64 37 38 69 37 39 68 37 40 68 37 41 67 37 42 67 37 43 65 37 44 65 38 39 70 38 40 69 38 41 68 38 42 68 38 43 67 38 44 66 39 40 71 39 41 70 39 42 69 39 43 68 39 44 68 39 45 67 40 41 71 40 42 71 40 43 70 40 44 69 40 45 68 40 46 68 41 42 72 41 43 71 41 44 71 41 45 70 41 46 70 41 47 68 42 43 73 42 44 72 42 45 71 42 46 71 42 47 70 42 48 69 43 44 73 43 45 72 43 46 72 43 47 71 43 48 70 44 45 74 44 46 73 44 47 72 44 48 71 44 49 71 45 46 74 45 47 74 45 48 73 45 49 72 45 50 71 46 47 74 46 48 74 46 49 73 46 50 72 47 48 75 47 49 74 47 50 73 47 51 73 48 49 75 48 50 75 48 51 74 48 52 73 49 50 75 49 51 75 49 52 74 50 51 76 50 52 75 50 53 74 51 52 76 51 53 75 52 53 76 52 54 75 53 54 76 54 55 76 ________________ final line