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Welcome to the Strawberry Cream Puffs Home Page!

Hello! We are the Strawberry Cream Puffs, we are a HNM hunting linkshell and a little game we call "Final Fantasy XI". doesn't it just roll off your tongue? Anyway the linkshell is based in the Titan server, and our lovely lovely linkshell leader is a mithra by the name of Namie so give her a ring if you want to join you will have to be level 50+ and work well with others. This site is here, for all the member in it to see plans, see members names and stats, pictures of the the HNM and much much more, I will tell you when i figure that out =P. There will be alot of updating so check back, and if you would like to get ahold of me my name is Plague in titan server.

If you have no idea what Final Fantasy XI is or what a linkshell is you can go to
for more information.