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Help and Tips and Strategy

written by Philip Ganes Here is just a bit of Strategy for you.This was designed for with money maps but will work with all types of games. This is what I like call Advanced Basics.(Easy to do and very helpful but many players dont do it.) *General* -Always Always Always build a defense around your main nexus, hive, or command center. Build Air defense(in most cases if the enemy gets ground units that far into your base you are screwed anyway) and lots of it. But do not start this until you are set with minerals. -Always, with all the races, build more unit space providers(overlords, pylons, supply depots) than you actually need and spread them throughout your base. -Build more than one of each upgrade building and spread them throughout you base. -Remember to Scout and to protect yourself from being scouted. Scouting is very important so you can know what you are up against and the best way to fight it. If possible Try to sneak a unit into a hidden corner or the like, so you can wreak havoc on them later. But you have to protect from the same happening to you. So always keep on the lookout for overlords, or probes, or anything that might seem harmless. *General Multiplayer* -Ask your opponents "What they you going?" so your team doesnt go all air or ground units. Your Team needs diversity and balance to succeed. - Have one or more players build a defense in the middle because even if it is weak it will give warning when they attack. -Everyone should know this but Always build AT LEAST #50# workers preferably more. Also build as many gas mining facilities(extractors, refineries, etc.) as you can to be sure of plenty of gas and minerals. -Always help out your teamates as much as possible when they are attacked. Even if you only have 2 zerglings SEND THEM!!! If your opponent dies You will die too. Eventually You will. -And for Christ Sake use some common sense. If your teamate is attacking ; Attack WITH him. Not always WHERE he is attacking but at the same time. Be smart, use good tactics, create a diversion for the enemy so your partner can sneak by or let him build a safety building inside your base. Or Whatever, you just have to have teamwork to win. *Now for Individual Race Tips and Strategy* *Zerg* -The key to succes with the Zerg is abundance. Abundance and overwhelming numbers. That includes everything from drones to overlords to hatcheries. As with every race you need many many workers but with the zerg you need even more. Because you will time and time again build up huge armies and have them killed, you will need very many minerals. /* Also have lots of hatcheries. When I say lots I mean like 25+!! You will need them to build up your armies quickly.*\ -WATCH YOUR CREEP!!!!! If you are not careful and are playing against a zerg opponent YOU WILL NYDUSED!! (If you dont know what that means Leave this site!!!) To protect against being nydused build sunken colonies all throughout your base. Dont leave any area unprotected. Especially in the back of your base because that is the most likely spot to be nydused. -Always Help your opponents out by sending them some overlords to detect for them. Also form a perimeter around your base to protect against cloaked units. Dont EVER send out an attack force without sending along a couple overlords to detect for you. -The zerg defense is almost useless except to detect units and to protect your central Hive. I have seen many very pretty zerg defense just laid to waiste horribly. I am not saying dont build any D but only do so if you truly know what you are doing. -A couple good techniques are the: 1. Overlord Drop- used with any unit if used correctly is devastating 2. The Hydro Cleared Guardian Rush - not an actual rush but attack with hydro's followed by guardians. 3. The Classic Nydus - Get a view of your opponents unprotected creep and build a nydus canal *Terran* -Use the Science Vessels!! A lot of players ignore these special units because they dont understand them but if you learn how to use them they are extremely powerful. -Always fly an extra building into each of your teamates base. So just in case your base is overun ;) you have something to fall back on. -Try not to send Battlecruisers by themselves. Bring some wraiths or a ground unit to give them backup. Also put a defensive matrix around them with a science vessel. That will make them nearly invinceable. And also, remember to upgrade yamato cannon to take out Missile Turrets and the like. -A couple good techniques are the: 1. ALL OUT Wraith or Battlecruiser Attack - Just remeber to take out detectors(wraith) and make very sure that you actually have enough!!! 2. NUKING - All I can say is that if you are focusing on nukes dont forget to build an army as well. JUST NUKES ARENT ENOUGH if you are playing against good opponents. 3. THE BEST "D" POSSIBLE - First build command centers across the middle pasage(on most money maps) and then put seiged tanks right behind that. Then build Missile Turrets behind the seiged tanks. Also have some spare wraiths around to help protect against air attacks. **Note** Their are many different variations to this "d" so experiment and find what you like!! *Protoss* -The 'Toss must have an excellent and neat base setup. You need to build many pylons and photon cannons strategically throughout your base. Everything Should be in neat rows and lines. -The protoss can make an excellent defense for the team with its photon cannons. BUT **Note** always remember to build many pylons as well as photon cannons to continue to provide power even when some have been destroyed. -The High Templar's Psionic Storm ability will completely rape ALL ground units!! Especially the zerg. Heres a free strategy....Take a pair of high templars in a shuttle and drop them right next to your opponents starting building(u know what i mean) use the psionic on on all their workers and wipe them out. It is dirty but very effective.mooohooohahahahahaha -Use the Arbitors special abilites especially recall. That move is amazing!! Its got to be the best in the game!! -A couple good techniques are: 1. Arbitors with...basically any unit - Because they make any unit around them invisible, they can turn any attack deadly. 2. Mass Dragoons with High Templars - Use the Dragoons on everything and the High Templars on the petty army the send at you. 3. Cannon Rush - Probably the most dirty thing in the game. I will explain it briefly... A. Get all your probes getting minerals(dont worry about gas u dont need it) B. Build 2 probes - the 1st mines and the second builds a pylon then mines c. Build another probe and make a forge D. send that probe to find your enemy. When found build a pylon where he cant see it and it cuts him off(or traps him in if possible) E. When pylon is complete build 2 cannons right beside each other. When complete Build more cannons and pylons moving closer and closer to his base until finally your cannons are eating his base up. **NOTE** During the Middle of this you should also build a gateway so you can attack with zealots. I hope you have either learned something or refreshed your memory from reading this guide. If you have any suggestions to add to this guide email me at ^^. By the way, you can copy this if you want to
