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Your questions answered...
What happens if nobody has the right answer to the unscrambled word?
If nobody has the correct answer to the unscrambled word in any given week, then nobody gets a prize for that week. If you request to have a prize for free, you won't get it, so please don't ask. Keep in mind that this game isn't terribly hard, so there should be at least one winner per week!

I have the correct answer. How do I claim my prize?
updated 2/22/2003
Starting with Round 10, items will no longer be claimed through my trades. Instead, I will just send you the item when it is time to distribute the prizes, but only if you won that week's contest.

What if I don't want my prize?
updated 2/22/2003
If you don't want your prize you must notify me ahead of time. Once you receive your prize, the item is yours to keep!

Are the prizes transferrable?
updated 2/22/2003
The prizes are non-transferrable. If you wish to give the prize to someone else, just send it to the person after receiving your prize!

Why did I have to bid for my prize?
Before Round 10 of Neopets Word Scramble, winners had to bid a useless item in order to receive their prize. Since then, Neopets has changed the way in which items are given, therefore you no longer have to bid a useless item to receive your prize!

Does spelling count?
Yes, spelling does count! Remember, your objective is to correctly unscramble the word, so this means that all of the given letters would have to be used in one way or another.

When does one round end?
One round ends when either ten people have unscrambled the current word correctly, or when it is FRIDAY, whichever one comes first.

When will new clues be added?
At the start of each round, one clue is already given, and one new clue will be added per day until either the round ends, or if 10 people have already won this week's round. Of course, it isn't a wise idea to wait for the last clue to be given, since 10 people may have already won the round by then!

When does a new game start?
A new game starts every SATURDAY, usually between the hours of 5 and 9pm NST.

What is the answer to this week's scrambled word?
As the host of this game, I will not give out the answer to the current scrambled word until a new game has started. You can generally find a complete list of the past answers, prizes, and winners by going to the Previous Winners section.

Can you PLEASE offer better prizes?!
I try to make sure that my prizes are worth between 500 to 3000 Neopoints, and please keep in mind that purchasing ten of each prize would cost me thousands of Neopoints! My luck with Scratchcards is also quite lousy, and if I were to actually win a Scratchcard, I could also offer better prizes for one round.

My question isn't here?
Then neomail me, and include your question!

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