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Move 1: Wind Kick.
Wind-Kick Evil Ryu feels a essence of something behind him he looks and knows what he has got to do use the summoned wind to his advantage.

Move 2: Lightning Dragon.
The Legendary Lightning Dragon
Evil Ryu does a normal uppercut with so much power that as a result lightning strikes him, the lightning dragon exits his body and Evil Ryu goes down. The lightning that hit Evil Ryu morphs into the legendary Lightning Dragon.
Option 1: The radiant beast flies to his masters opponent and hits him (or not) then from his mouth blasts two energy balls.
Option 2: The uppercut and the lightning hit your opponent and than so does the dragon hitting him then blowing him off with the energy balls.
After Evil Ryu got hit by the lightning and the Lightning Dragon escaped his body he is pissed, he tries to get up and partly fails. Then he pushes himself up using only his arms, he points at the dragon and tells him to get back in...
Check this: Lightning Dragon in parts(incomplete versions) without sparks...