A Shaboogie25 FAQ/Walkthrough for... @@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @@@@@@@ @@ @ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= ASCII Art by Jeff "Atom Edge" Chan ______________________________________________________________________________ [Title : Mega Man ] [System : NES ] [Author : Shaboogie25] [Version : 1. ] [Last Update : 2-13-03 ] ______________________________________________________________________________ This document is Copyright (C) 2003 John Kura. It is not to be used by anyone without the author's permission or sold in any way, shape or form. This includes publishing, putting on cd or DVD, or giving it for profit. No money is to be made from this FAQ. No sites shall post this FAQ on their site with the exception of; GameFaqs.com (http://wwww.GameFaqs.com) This document is NEVER to be posted on _CheatCC.com_, nor are any other Faqs written by myself. If this is found posted on said site, action shall be taken. This document is _MY_ original work, and it is _NOT TO BE PLAGIARISED_ by anyone. No excerpts are to be taken from this FAQ, unless an exception is made and permission is given to those who requested. This FAQ is not to be posted on any message boards or forums on the web. This is considered stealing and those who stole it will be punished. Copyright (C) 2003 John Kura. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================ ------Version History------- ============================ .9 [February 5, 2003] ______________________ Got started on the FAQ and have most of it completed. All that’s left is the second part of the walkthrough section. Please note that the only reason I am sending this in as it is, is because I am having trouble sticking with writing, and I figure if I get a FAQ posted I will be motivated to stick with it. Hope it works! 1. [February 13, 2003] ______________________ Went through the FAQ looking for errors, and fixed them. More updates coming soon! Also added a quick bit to my introduction. ______________________________________________________________________________ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Table of Contents *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I. Introduction II. Game Basics _o Story _o Controls _o Weapons _o Items III. Walkthrough _o Guts man _o Cuts man _o Elecman _o Iceman _o Fireman _o Bomb man IV. Walkthrough (Part II) _o Stage One _o Stage Two _o Stage Three _o Stage Four V. Contacting Me VI. Credits VII. Closing ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . I. Introduction - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- Welcome to my newest FAQ/Walkthrough, written for Mega Man on the NES. I chose this game because I know it well and wanted to help others with it. I also wrote for it because it was a great game, and I really enjoy playing it. This FAQ is meant for one thing, to help the people who need help with the game. I hope this FAQ can do that. I would normally write about the game and its history or something similar, but I won't be doing that this time, only because this game is about 16 years ago :) Anyway I hope this FAQ helps you with all problems that you may have, and that it helps you have the most fun possible with this game. I feel now for some reason that in all my FAQs and future FAQs, that I should add this quick note. I would like all people to know that I do not write FAQs for any recognition or praise from others. I write FAQs only to help people with gaming problems that they may have in each game I decide to write for. I notice that some of the newer writers (I am also new) are writing FAQs only so they can be recognized as a contributor or to get praise from other writers about their FAQs. I do not feel the need to do this, and I will never attempt to compete with others or try to be the best. I just felt like people should know why I write FAQs, and that I don't want recognition or praise. Thanks for listening, now on to the FAQ!! ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . II. Game Basics - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- --------===========-------- _o Story --------===========-------- This is the story taken from the instruction manual. I did not write this. It's MEGA MAN versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of Monsteropolis -- that strange multi-faceted land of robot-like Humanoids. Brilliant scientist Dr. Wright conceived the construction of fully-operational human-like experimental robots to perform specific everyday duties. Dr. Wright, and his assistant Dr. Wily, encouraged with their very first near human robot -- MEGA MAN -- proceeded to develop six additional Humanoids, all programmed to perform prescribed rituals: Cut man: Designed to function as a lumberjack. Powerful saw-toothed Scissor like instrument protrudes from head, cap- able of gnawing through giant forest timbers. Iceman: Impervious to chilling sub-zero temperatures, capable of human like performances under extreme climatic conditions. Guts man: A bulldozing character capable of lifting and transporting huge boulders. Bomb man: A real "blaster" as a heavy duty laborer who uses intensely powerful explosives to clear lands for Dr. Wright's construction projects. Fireman: Melts and molds metals with flame throwing torch flaring from atop his head. Elecman: Dr. Wright's electrifying creation planned for conducting electrical operations even supervising nuclear power plants. But, with the exception of MEGA MAN, all of Dr. Wright's near-human robot experimentation went awry. Assistant Dr. Wily turned disloyal, re-programming Dr. Wright's Humanoids, now bent on destroying opposition so Dr. Wily could control the world and its resources. Resisting re-programming, MEGA MAN is chosen the defender of the universe and its inhabitants. MEGA MAN dares to single-handedly penetrate seven separate empires of Monsteropolis, eliminating the leaders and followers of these sovereignties. Get ready for some very exciting challenges! --------===========-------- _o Controls --------===========-------- D-Pad............................................Move Character A Button.........................................Jump B Button.........................................Fire Weapon Select...........................................Pause Game Start............................................Bring up Menu --------===========-------- _o Weapons --------===========-------- Mega Buster - Your main weapon. Hyper Bombs - Receive after defeating Bomb man. Super Arm - Receive after defeating Guts man. Rolling Cutters - Receive after defeating Cuts man. Thunder Beam - Receive after defeating Elecman. Ice Slasher - Receive after defeating Iceman. Fire Storm - Receive after defeating Fireman. --------===========-------- _o Items --------===========-------- Yellow Energy Pellet - Restore Mega Man's health meter. The bigger they are, the more health you get back. Blue Energy Pellet - Restores the energy in Mega Man's weapons. The bigger they are, the more energy you get. Yasashi - Found before the final battles, it will restore your weapons to maximum power. Life - Mega Man's head. These items will give you an extra life. ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . III. Walkthrough - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- --------===========-------- _o Bomb man --------===========-------- Once the stage begins, a few little red things will attack you. Shoot them and take whatever they leave behind. Continue on and jump over the holes where enemies jump out of. Continue through the level, taking out any enemies you may encounter along the way. Keep going until you reach the ladder. Once you do, go up it. There will be four robots here, each are hanging on the wall to the left. Climb to the top of the ladder, and take out the robot there on top. Head down the ladder and take out the others, one at a time. There are energy pellets at the bottom of the ladder if you get that hurt. Head back to the top of the ladder, and go up the next one. Once you reach the top of this ladder, a green robot will attack you. This guy has a shield, which he will take away when you stop shooting at him. At this time, he will shoot at you, with a few seconds in-between. Jump over his shots, get in a few shots of your own, and repeat. Once he is defeated, continue forward until you reach an area with missile-like objects flying through the air. Stand at a distance and shoot them, or you will be damaged by the explosion they cause when shot. There will be more of the robots you saw before on the ladder, the red ones. Take them out and continue on. Reach the ladder and climb it, but be sure to avoid the missiles on your way up. There will be red things on the floor once you reach the top. Shoot them to free them, and continue up the next ladder. Move quickly up the ladder to outrun any missiles that are following you. Jump across the three blocks and climb the next ladder. The floor in this next area is lined with spikes that take out Mega Man in one hit. There are also some red ball things flying around, that cannot be damaged until they open the shell and shoot at you. They can shoot in any direction as they can move 360 degrees around. Proceed with caution over the spikes, and kill the red balls as you go. Make your way to the ladder, and climb it, and jump off to the right so you land on a platform with a green robot holding a shield. Defeat him and take the extra life, and head back the way you came. Head right and defeat this last green robot. Head into Bomb man’s lair and go down the ladder. Kill the enemies down here and prepare to fight Bomb man. Bomb man isn't very hard, so you shouldn't have any problems. He will basically jump all around and throw bombs at you. Avoid the bombs, keep a safe distance and don't stop moving. Just keep shooting at him and avoiding his bombs until he is defeated. Once you defeat him, you will receive the Hyper Bomb weapon, and you will go to the next level, Guts man. --------===========-------- _o Guts man --------===========-------- When you start this level, you will be attacked by some yellow enemies called Metools. Defeat them by shooting when they open their shells to fire at you. Continue up to the structure with the moving platforms on it after defeating the Metools. When a platform comes close to you, jump on it. Keep jumping from platform to platform and find your way across to the other side. After making your way across, head right and kill the green flying things that come after you. Continue right and you will find two guys who will throw rock picks at you. Defeat them and move on to the next set. Defeat the first guy, then jump on his platform and take out the second one, then head down into the ditch. There are three paths to choose here, and it's entirely up to you. I always chose the middle path for some reason, not sure why, put choose whichever way you like and collect the items along your fall. Continue heading down and you will run into a large blue robot. Watch out when he jumps, because he will take away a lot of your energy. Kill him and continue to the right. Kill the Metools and enter Guts man’s lair. Guts man is quite easy if you use Hyper Bomb, the weapon you won after defeating Bomb man. Just keep throwing the bombs where you think he will be when they explode, as they blow up a few seconds after they land. Avoid the rocks that Guts man throws at you, and keep bombing him. After three bombs, he will be defeated, and you will be rewarded with his weapon, the Super Arm. Now move on to the next level. --------===========-------- _o Cuts man --------===========-------- At the start, go up the ladder and head right. Defeat the flying blue guys and continue right, taking out the enemies and picking up the items they drop. You will soon run into two of the red robots seen in the first level, the ones hanging on the walls. Kill both of these guys and go up the ladder on the right. Kill the next set of three of the red guys on the walls, and keep going up the ladders. Go up the ladder on the right and you will be in an area practically the same as the last. Kill the guys on the wall and go up the next ladder. Kill the guy on the wall as you climb the ladder, then jump over the ditch and climb the next ladder. Kill the next red guy on the wall, and jump up to the platform and kill the next one. Go up the next ladder and head right. Kill the little eye-things and the red things that jump and head up the next ladder. Be careful of the four flying eyes in the next area, because they go everyone. Avoid them and take them out carefully, then head up the next ladder. The next area is the same, except there are only three eyeballs, but they are more difficult to kill. Pick up the items they drop and head to the next area. This next area has five eyeballs, and you are in a small area. Be cautious while killing them, as it is a bit difficult. They will try to force you in a corner, so watch out. Go up the ladder on the left once you dispose of all five eyeballs. Watch out for the scissors flying at you as you come up the ladder. Head right once you reach the top, and kill the flying blue things. Head down the small path and get the energy pellet, then go down the next ladder. You will encounter some of the floating red guys from the Bomb man level, so take them out. Head down the next ladder, and keep going until you reach the next area. Be warned that if you jump into the ditches, you will land on spikes in the next area. In this final area, you will find another one of the large blue robots that jump. Equip the Super Arm and pick up the blocks from under you. Throw them at him, and after three hits he will go down. Head right and into Cuts man’s lair. Take out the guns that come out of the floor and ceiling, and head into the next area with the Super Arm equipped. There are to blocks under you as you walk in, and these are all you need to defeat Cuts man. Pick them up and throw them at him, but make sure you don't miss, because these are the only blocks in here. If you do miss, you will have to resort to the Mega Buster. Just keep avoiding his scissors and blasting away. He will soon go down and you are rewarded with the Rolling Cutters. Now head into the next area. --------===========-------- _o Elecman --------===========-------- At the beginning you will see four platforms. Two on each side and at different heights. Shoot the red crawlers to freeze them, the jump up the platforms moving back and forth until you reach the top platform with the ladder on it. Once you reach this spot, climb the ladder into the next area. At the top are another set of two red crawlers, so just freeze them and go up the next ladder at the top. In this area, there are two blocks that will shoot electricity with a few seconds in between. You must jump up them, but make sure the timing is right. You must jump when they are not electrified, then jump to the next. Head up the ladder at the top and you will be attacked by three green robots that float from the top and bottom of the ladder. When you get close, eyes will pop out of them and shoot electricity at you. You will probably be hit a lot here, but just keep moving up the ladder as fast as you can. Keep going until the next area. You will now see blocks that disappear and reappear in the area. Take notice of the pattern in which they appear and disappear, and make your way across them by jumping at the right times. Make your way all the way to the right and climb the ladder at the right. The next area is similar, in that the blocks in the bridge disappear and reappear. Make your way across and climb the ladder, then climb the next ladder on the left. In the next area, do not attempt to get the energy pellet in the small hole; you won't be able to get back up. Just jump up the blocks in this area and make your way to the next ladder. Climb up the ladder and you will need to make a choice. There are two ladders here; one on the left and one on the right. Take the right ladder and climb up. You will run into more green robots, which you need to dispose of or run from. The next area has some ladders and the things that shoot electricity. Go up the ladder and time it so you won't be hit by any electricity. Continue up to the next area. Go left and head up the ladder. There will be a blue gun behind some blocks. You need the Super Arm equipped here to move the three blocks blocking the gun. The gun will shoot temporary platforms that help you get too hard to reach places. This is called the Magnet Beam. Keep going and head up the ladder on the right side. There are some of the things that shoot electricity in here, so avoid them and continue up the ladder. Head up the next set of ladders but watch out for the electricity shooter at the top. There is a red thing in here that will jump around a lot. Get him down the ladder and take him out. Use the Super Arm to move the block and then equip the Magnet Beam. Use it to get to the next area. Jump up the set of blocks in this area and head to the next ladder. Climb it to the top and avoid the electricity shooters. Go up to the next area and kill the red jumping thing inside. Continue on into Elecman's lair. Make sure you have at least three quarters of your health, as Elecman is tough. Climb the ladder here while avoiding the electricity charges, and prepare to fight Elecman. Elecman is hard. Actually very hard. Use your Rolling Cutters in this fight, and be careful as he only needs about three hits to kill you in this fight. Fire the scissors at him quickly and avoid him as much as possible. Keep firing constantly and don't stop, as you need to take him out quick. Get him down before he hits you three times and you win. You will be rewarded with the Thunder Beam, and you can proceed to the next level. --------===========-------- _o Iceman --------===========-------- At the start, there will be a bunch of green robots running at you. Aim for the body, as it will kill them quicker and save you some trouble. Head to the right, killing robots along the way. Dive into the water and avoid the red things on the floor. There is also a bunch of flying penguins here, which you can either avoid or kill. It’s up to you. Get out of the water and kill off the rest of the penguins. Equip the Rolling Cutters and jump down the tube. Kill the red things on the floor and notice more disappearing and reappearing blocks. Memorize the pattern, and climb them to the top. Once you are there, take the tube down to the next area. Kill the guy on the floor in this area and watch this set of blocks until you memorize the pattern. Make your way across to the other side and continue right. There will be floating eye things everywhere in this area, and you need to take care of them. Here you must avoid all of their shots so you can stay in the air, and continue until you reach the next part with the penguins. It’s the same idea here, but you now must shoot the penguins as you go. You can use the Magnet Beam if you need help, but just finish that section and head right. Go down the pipe, grab the items, and down the next tube. Kill the large jumping robots in this area, and continue going right. Enter Iceman's lair and kill the flying penguins that attack you. Equip the Thunder Beam and head in to fight Iceman. Iceman will be a lot easier with the Thunder Beam, so make quick work of him. Just keep firing at him continuously until he is dead. When you defeat him, you will receive a new weapon, the Ice Slasher. Now continue on to the final stage of the first half of the game! --------===========-------- _o Fireman --------===========-------- When you start, there is a large group of ladders here, and there are guns emerging from the floor and ceiling. Head up the ladders and kill the guns as you go. Head right and go down the next set of ladders and kill the next guns you encounter. Jump over the lava and avoid the guys that come out of the lava, as they come after you and can take away some of your energy. Avoid the stream of fire in the floor, and head up the next ladder. Keep going up the next set of ladders in this area. It is no use trying to get to the energy pellets, because they are guarded by the fire guys that come from the floor. You will only lose energy and the pellets will only bring your energy back to what it was. Head up the next ladder into a new area. Here, you must avoid the fire guys that are standing here, while making your way to the end of the area. Grab the three energy pellets at the end of the area, and head right. Avoid the fire guys in this area, and head down the ladder on the bottom left. Head right and avoid the fire guys, and watch out for more of the guys that come from the lava and come after you. Once you reach a ladder, climb it to the top. Continue up the sets of ladders, killing the enemies that get in your way. Keep right, jump over the lava and prepare to enter Fireman's lair. Equip the Ice Slasher if you didn't already, and head inside. *The ceiling guns right before Fireman's lair will drop energy pellets if you are low on energy and need to recover. Fireman is actually very easy to beat. Just continuously fire the Ice Slasher at him. Don't worry if you get hit, you probably won't die. Just keep firing until he is dead. Upon defeat, you will receive his weapon, the Fire Storm. Now, prepare to head to the last half of the game, into Dr. Wily's castle! ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . IV. Walkthrough (Part II) - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- --------===========-------- _o Stage One --------===========-------- At the start you will encounter one of the large jumping robots, Avoid him and head right, where you will meet another of the same foe. You can avoid him to, just continue to the right. There is ANOTHER which you can avoid, or you can just beat him down for there being so many :) Use the Super Arm to move the blocks that block the path leading into the Castle. Continue right, avoiding the things that shoot fire from the ceiling, and keep going until you reach the ladder. Climb it up into the next area. Continue up the ladder in this area, and you will eventually come to some blocks that hold energy pellets behind them. Use the Super Arm to move the blocks, grab the pellets, and head down the ladder. Avoid the spikes at the bottom and jump from platform to platform, while avoiding the flying missiles. Head down the ladder on the left at the end. Here, you must jump from each top of the helicopter things, while avoiding all the shots that they shoot from their sides. This part can be very annoying, but if you stick with it you will eventually get it. Just don't give up and continue to the next part. After that part, head up the ladder and use the Magnet Beam to get to the top of the ditch. At the top, use it again at the left until you can reach where the ladder is. Head up the ladder and go right. You will now enter the Rock Monster's lair. Prepare for the fight! Run across the screen once you enter, and prepare for some fast dodging. Soon blocks will be flying around the room, coming form every which way. Use your best skills to avoid them, and equip the Elec Beam. Shoot his eye with it, and continuously press Select. If done correctly, he will go down in one hit. If not, retry when he forms again. Now prepare for stage two! --------===========-------- _o Stage Two --------===========-------- While on the platform where you start, move a little to the right and jump over the ditch. Kill the green helicopter flying things, and prepare to do it again. In fact, you will do it for the whole level! Just keep killing the green things and moving right. When you reach the end, you will fall through the floor, and will have to face Cuts man again! The three blocks are not here, so you will have to resort to blasting with the Mega Buster. Once he is dead, head left and you'll fall down through another floor. Now you are outside, and need to head right. Grab the energy pellets and continue right, destroying the guns that you meet. You will soon drop through another fake floor and will need to fight Elecman again! Defeat the same way this time and head left when he is dead. You'll end up falling down another fake floor. Head right at the bottom and avoid the robots that come from the floor. Keep going right continuously until you arrive at a ladder. Go down it and use the Magnet Beam to get the extra life on the left platform. Kill the eyeballs here and head down the next ladder. Keep heading down while killing the eyes, and you will end up fighting the eyes as well as the guys who hang onto the walls. Kill them as you continuously head down, while collecting any energy you come by. You will eventually reach a strange room where a portal will appear. This portal clones you and forces you to fight against yourself. Equip the Elec Beam and do the same trick you used on the Rock Monster with the Select button, or take him out with your normal weapon. Anyway, defeat him and continue to the next stage. --------===========-------- _o Stage Three --------===========-------- This is a pretty short level, and you're getting close to the final stage! You start off near three eye things, some of which block your path. Clear them away and jump into the hole. Use the Elec Beam to take down the gun on your left on the ceiling. Repeat this until you reach the narrow pathway. Go right and head down the path. Eventually the penguins from Iceman's level will come at you, but just take them out. Then the explosive things come after you, which you should shoot from a distance. Enter the doorway and fight the Bubble Machine inside. Kill it by using either the Super Arm or by simply blasting away with the Mega Buster. Once it is defeated, prepare to head to the final stage in the game!! --------===========-------- _o Stage Four --------===========-------- Welcome to the final stage! At the start, jump up to the blocks and climb the ladder to the top, trying to avoid the green guys along the way. At the top, kill the green guys that have electricity, and head right. Watch out for the guns, or just kill them. Keep going through and head up two ladders until you reach a very familiar place....just read back to Guts man for help. Grab the extra life on the platform and go into the teleporter. Prepare to face another old foe. You end up in a lair, and you must face Bomb man. Continuously blast him with the Mega Buster until he dies. Equip the Ice Slasher, head into the teleporter, and prepare to face Fireman once again. Just keep shooting him with the ice until he dies, then again head back to the teleporter. Your next fight with the Robot Masters is with Iceman. Use the Elec Beam and beat him down. Go back in the teleporter to face the last Robot Master, Guts man. Use Hyper Bombs to defeat him this last time. Head back into the teleporter once he is finally dead. In this room, head to the wall to the right. You must now face the final boss, Dr. Wily!! Equip the Elec Beam and shoot at the huge ball in front of the robot, then use the Select trick that you used against the Rock Monster and your clone. Once the ball falls off, a flashing ball appears where it was. Use the Rolling Cutters on it and use the Select trick one last time. Congratulations on beating this classic game, Mega Man!! ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . V. Contacting Me - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- If you wish to contact me, you can reach me at the following addresses: Shaboogie25@yahoo.com OneWingedAngel05@yahoo.com Please do not ask any questions that have answers found in the FAQ. I will not accept the e-mail unless the subject reads "Mega Man FAQ", as I receive tons of junk. Do not tell me how much you hate my work or how much I "suck", because it is immature and there is no reason for saying it. Also be intelligent, and ask things politely, instead of demanding that I help you. ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . VI. Credits - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- I would like to use this space for thanking the following people. Jeff Chan (Atom Edge) for allowing me to use ASCII Art. CJayC for having the best gaming site out there. GameFAQs.com for posting this FAQ. GameFAQs.com for influencing me to write. Meowthnum1's FAQ for source material for the Story from the.... ....instruction book. Scurty234 for giving me tips on my writing. All of the writers on GameFAQs who inspired me and whom I look up to. Anyone else who is connected to me or my FAQs, thanks. ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- . VII. Closing - ....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....-----.....---- Thanks for reading my FAQ, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope it served it's purpose of helping you throughout this great game, Mega Man. This FAQ is currently incomplete, as the walkthrough is only half-finished. I will have the entire walkthrough posted in the next update, and will fix any errors that are found. Thanks again for reading, and watch for my upcoming FAQs, including: Metroid (NES) Lord of the Rings the Two Towers (PS2) Chrono Trigger (SNES) Kingdom Hearts (PS2) They will most likely be finished in that order, so keep an eye open! ============================================================================== -------------------------------------FAQ End---------------------------------- ==============================================================================