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Fave VG Characters Pt. 2

Check out part two of the list.

Sonic the Hedgehog-Childhood Idol and Great Candidate to win the NY Marathon

The blue blur that is known as Sonic is always in my heart. Ever since I was a youg boy I lived on Sonic. I practicall grew up on Sonic. My first game was the original Sonic. Ever since then I became a Sonicologist (guess what that means...). Hats off to the that wonderful Blue Hedgie.

Ky Kiske-The Opposite of Sol Badguy in Every Friggin Way!

Ky... Crappy name for an OK type of person. Ky controls the element of Lightning. His sword is named the Thunderseal. At any case, Ky is the total opposite of Sol. He's cool though. Ky is kool for me.


Sarah Bryant is the younger brother to Jacky Byant. Both originated from Virtua Fighter. They rock in every way. Rock on Sega! Stay strong!