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My Favorite VG Characters

Here are a few of the Favorite Characters in my heart.

Mr. Talbain-Kung Fu Wolfman! Huzzah!

As I had expressed earlier, Jonathan Talbian is the defenition of kick-ass in wolf terms. Thanx to for this aniGif. Rock on, Talbain!!!

Sol Badguy-The Definition of Kick-Ass in Guilty Gear

Sol... A muscular guy with a big ass sword! He controls the element of fire. At first I thought that Sol was a corny character. Little did I know about one thing... Instant Kills. His is poetry in motion. Never mess with a man of his status.

Felicia-Singer, Catwoman, and Hella Beautiful

Talbain is madly in love with her. Let me ask you this, CAN YOU BLAME HIM??? I love Felicia as well. She is a fan favorite to all. I like her for her moves, rather than appearance. Love Felicia.