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:) Tara :) Mike :) 7-10-2015 :) Go Phillies!!!! :)

Tara and Mikey's 1st Adventures :):)
Updated: July 10, 2015
Our First Date: July 10, 2015
:) Tara :) Mike :) 6-26-15 and 7-10-15 :) Go Phillies!!!! :)

Best Adventure Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):):):)
Tara and Mikey's First Adventures!!!!!
Christiana Mall: Game Stop at 12pm :):)

It was the most relaxing date ever and we are truly so very happy together :):) Thank you so very much to my new friend :) Tara :) who met me on Plenty Of Fish website June 26 and we both like our names :) Tara :) and :) Mikey :) 6-26-15. :)

:) Tara :) is the most relaxing girl I have ever, ever, ever met. :) We have so much in common :):) GO PHILLIES!!!!! We both love classic video games(Pac-Man, Tetris, Super Mario Bros., Q-Bert) :):) We both love classic TV shows (Bat Man, Gilligans Island)We both love green, black our favorite colors :) We both love doing the Dew....Mountain Dew :):) We both love to relax. We both love shopping at Christiana Mall...Game Stop, Target :):) It was awesome!!!!!!!!!! :):) It has been such a long time since any girl has ever truly made me this happy. :) Tara :) is way better than all those other girls I met in the past. The Past is gone. The future is now :) Tara :) Mikey :) 7-10-15 :) GO PHILLIES!!!!!!

Words can't describe this wonderful first adventure day me and :) Tara :) had on this day :) This was the best vacation I ever had off from work!!! :):):):):) Thank you :) Tara :) July 4th it was awesome getting to share the fireworks with you through Face Book :) and me taking pictures and sending them your way. :) all the way to today's wonderful amazing outstanding first adventures for us together and celebrating our new friendship :) Tara :) Mike :) 6-26-15 :) GO PHILLIES!!!! :)

If I were to describe :) Tara :) in one word, I would say Amazing! :) She is the most Amazing girl I ever met ever! We had the most Amazing Adventure together today and here's to many, many more wonderful Amazing adventures for us. :):)

Thank you truly with all of my heart my friend :) Tara :) for such an outstanding first adventure for us together. :):) We had our nice relaxing moments and thank you so very much for that brand NEW game: NES Ultimate Remix for the Nintendo 3DS :) :)

Relaxing, Relaxing, Relaxing, Relaxing :) Hmmmm, I have the perfect name for us together :) The Relaxing Date :) It was sooooooooooo nice to finally relax to someone so nice and kind and caring and respectful and so sincere letting me treat her and her Mom for her upcoming birthday :):)

The weather would be so beautiful for this day too!!!! Nice and sunny and 80 degrees!!!! Perfect day for an adventure :):):):):) and the first adventure of our new friendship together :) Tara and Mike :) 6-26-2015 :) Go Phillies for us!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Now was the time for me to say my prayers, take my vitamins, go green, recycling, do my morning exercises, and get that high score on my game of the day too. :) and ride those wonderful DART buses and make those :) mikey's adventure updates :) today, on my last vacation vacation ever :) and as I always love to say it best....Have fun and adventure on!!!!! :):):)

I left my apartment at 9:30am this morning as my bestest buddy big brother was already downstairs, stoked about the new Masters Of The Universe Eternia playset he was putting together by the time I left :) and did my first :) mikey's adventures update :) and left and had a wonderful walk to the bus stop thinking of me and my new Amazing friend :) Tara :)

I knew it was going to take me not one, but two buses to get to the Mall today. :):) but the weather was simply Amazing, just as me and Tara's friendship together has been truly amazing (15 days, 2 weeks) ever since 6-26-15 :):) Yay us!!!!!! Thank you Tara so very much!!!!! Words just cannot describe how your friendship has means so very much to me!!!!! :)

I got to the bus stop by 9:35am this morning and then about 5 minutes later a nice big GREEN ad-wrapped DART bus 22 Classic bus came along and I was well on my way to me and my new friend :) Tara's :) first adventure day :):)

Made my first :) mikey's adventures update :) as I made it into beautiful downtown Wilmington safe and sound by 10:15am this morning :):) Did another wonderful :) mikey's adventures update :) and then walked my way all the way over to the Library where I could wait for the DART Bus 40 for my second ride to Christiana Mall :)
While I was waiting for the bus to the Mall, I pulled out my cellphone and played a quickie game of Pac-Man Championship edition and I scored 114,570 points!!!!!! I LOVE that Pac-Man game!!!!! I always play it during my breaks at work. :) Simply Amazing!!!!!!! :)

My second classic bus came as the DART Bus 40 came by 10:40am this mornng and I was well on my way to the Christiana Mall. :):) I got off at the Mall park and ride by 11am this morning and I walked my way all the way to Chrstiana Mall :)

I had so much fun in the sun soaking up the sun and finally got into the Mall by 11:20am and I bought 2 Mountain Dew drinks for me and :) Tara :) to celebrate our brand new friendship together. :):)

:) Tara :) Mike :) 6-26-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!!! :)
and hopefully, after today....
:) Tara :) Mike :) 7-10-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!!! :)

No other girl has ever come close to what my friend :) Tara :) did today. :) To all my other exes, it's your relaxation time. Ok, enough of my exes...because :) Tara :) is the absolute best :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I sat down and did another :) mikey's adventure update :) and Tara wrote me letting me know she had her hair cut and was getting gas for her car. :) I threw quarters in the fountain right outside Target and made wishes for me and Tara's new friendship together :) Tara :) Mike :) 06-26-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!! :) :) :) and hoping after today would also be together :) Tara :) Mike :) 07-10-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!! :) :)

I started walking to Game Stop and had a fun walk around the mall here and was looking for such an incredible, relaxing, respectful, fun, awesome, truly the best girl to ever come into my life experience :) no other girl could ever possibly top this. :)

Me and Tara emailed each other as she gave me step by step how she got here to the Mall. I let her know I was right outside Game Stop. :) We met up at 12pm and said hello, asked each other how we were doing? She got me a video game!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!! A Classic video game!!!!! :) They say a way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but as for me, the way to my heart is getting me a great Classic video game!!!

:) Tara :) bought me Ultimate NES Remixgames for my Nintendo 3DS :) yayyyy!!!!! Thank you :) Tara :) We hugged and gave each other a great BIG HUG together and just took in that first moments for us together. :) :)

We sat down at one of the nearby resting areas right outsde Game Stop and JC Penny court there at Christiana Mall. I gave Tara all my goodies I had for her :) She was very happy with my first gifts. :) She gave me a couple of her beautiful crystals. :) They are priceless treasures just like our friendship together. :):) She really likes how I am so creative and it really shows and really flows within me. :) Talked some :) :) Relaxed together a lot. :) :) Held her in my arms. It's been a really long time since she's been held and a really long time for me holding someone in my arms and just taking in our first relaxing moments together. :):) I showed her my phone and some of the apps on my phone, NBC 10 Weather App, my FOX Sports app, some of the websites I have saved on my phone :) She showed me her phone and the Del-Dot app...WTMC 1380AM. We both have the same app. She tried getting the WTMC station to turn on, but no sound on her phone, so I got my phone out, turned it back on and my WTMC Del Dot station started playing the WTMC 1380 AM (the old Travelers Infomation as they called it way back when lol) :) It was so nice helping Tara with the Del Dot app and the weather apps too. :) I also showed her my Super Mario Bros. game on my Nintendo Game Boy Advance limited edition. :) Playing the game while holding Tara close in my arms as we relaxed together was truly amazing. :) She let me know she had never beat this game before and that she was stuck on World 2, the Underwater level....(World 2-2) but we kept telling each other Practice Makes Perfect :)

I beat the game and took the ol' shortcut...level 1-1, level 1-2, warp to level 4-1, level 4-2, warp to level 8-1, level 8-2, level 8-3 and finally level 8-4 and rescuing Princess Peach and ended up with a high score of 184,250 points!!!!! :):) She was so happy she got to see the ending and seeing me so happy playing through the game as I've done many, many times before. :):):):):):):):) We relaxed our day away together and it felt so very good to be able to hold Tara in my arms for our first time together relaxing. :):) We really took in the moment together. :):) Thank you so much :) Tara :) for our special first relaxing moment together for our friendship. :):) Tara and Mike :):) 6-26-15 and now 7-10-15 :):) I also showed her my digital camera and took some pictures together. I won this camera at Employee Appreciation Day 2009 :) as one of the grand prizes there :)

Tara's Mom's birthday was coming up and Tara wanted to go shopping and buy her Mom a little something special for her big day this weekend. :) We walked together to a Bath and Body works candle store and had a really fun time seeing and smelling the scents of all the different candles. :):) We asked the girl there and Tara wanted to get a couple of different scented candles here. The lady there gladly got a few of the candles and also walked us over to the front where we got to scent more candles there. :):) It was really awesome doing something nice for her Mom since she's celebrating her birthday :) After a very nice time in the Bath and Body Works store, I bought those 2 candles Tara wanted to get for her Mom. :) It was really nice treating both her and her Mom to those candles to help celebrate her Mom's birthday. :):)

We then walked into Target and did some fun shopping at Target. :) Tara let me lead the way since I've been here at Target alot more than she has. :) We got a birthday card for her Mom, 2 phillies jerseys, 2 beautiful black dresses 100%polyester. :):) We had another relaxing moment together in Target :) :) Yay for relaxing moments for us. :):)

After using the self checkout, we left Target and then walked out of the Mall through the Nordstrom to her car. :):) She wanted to drive me home and didn't want me riding the buses back home. :) Thank you so much Tara. We truly had the Time Of Our Lives together. :):) We listened to 98.1 WOGL Oldies radio station. She let me fix her car clock, an easy fix, she told me it was about 5 or 6 minutes ahead on time. I fixed it for her going by my watch and my cellphone time :) yay! :)

We got back here to my Apartment and parked in the visitor parking lot and talked some more and embraced and relaxed some more and took in our moment together :):) while more classic tunes were playing on 98.1 WOGL :) I took a picture of me and Tara in her car and also did another :) mikey's adventures update :) and put in my dedication for :) me and Tara :) 7-10-15 :) best adventure ever :) GO PHILLIES!!!!!!! :):)

:) Tara :) If I could sum up our first adventure together. I truly and incredibly thank you with all of my heart. You have truly shown me what no other girl has ever shown me on a date before. Our relaxation time together and just taking in every moment together was awesome and I would not trade that for anything else in this whole world. We truly had that connection she was looking for and I am so glad I got to open up to her and she accepts me for who I am, a very creative, nice, patient, respectful gentleman, truly one of a kind friend. This was truly the best vacation that I ever had off from work. :) I am so glad we are both very happy with each other. :):) This is the first time we've both been so happy and thank you again Tara for giving me the Ultimate NES Remix games for my Nintendo 3DS and those beautiful crystals :) You were truly amazing, our relaxing time together was amazing. Our friendship together is Amazing. :)

I got home by 5:30pm :) and my brother was in our game room and he finished building the Eternia playset. Looks amazing!!!!!!! He was so happy for me to get out on a Friday :) instead of my usual Mondays out :) and he was happy for me to spend time with a very nice friend like Tara. :) I showed my brother the NES Ultimate Remix game Tara gave me. :) We had so much fun playing these Remix games on his WiiU about a month ago during a brother-brother day. :):)

This is The Amazing Mikey :) Saying my prayers, taking my vitamins, recycling, doing my exercises, going green, GO PHILLIES GO!!!!!!! :):) and thanking my amazing friend :) Tara :) for such an incredible and unforgettable first adventure for us together :):) Truly the best vacation and the best adventure I ever had with someone by my side. :):) and as I always love to say it best...The Past Maybe Gone, but the Classics live on :) and Have Fun and Adventure On!!!! :)

:) Tara and Mike :) 6-26-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!! :)
:) Tara and Mike :) 7-10-15 :) Go Phillies!!!!!! :)