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The King of Iron Fist Tournamnet Series Site

Welcome to my Tekken Series site. As one of Northern Californa's proven Tekken 4 champions I felt the need to deliver a website dedicated to this fine series. This site is undergoing heavy construction right now so not every thing is up. You can check out what I've got and keep checking because I will be constantly working on it. Slowly and surley I intend on making one of the more deep (and more low-budget) Tekken sites around. I'll have the story up to Tekken 4 were it's currently at. In depth character bios and techniques will also be found here. Not to mention game hints and secrets. Plus other cool stuff. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Once this site is complete enough you will see that the King of Iron Fist Tournament is one of the best series ever. So...

Welcome to the King of Iron Fist Tournament

Tekken timeline and story
Character bios and stats
Character strategies
Games hints and secrets
Other cool stuff
About me
