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Born of nobility and privilege Kara had led a good life in Gondor. But sometimes things happen in life that cannot be stopped and she soon found herself an outcast... ... her father refused to offer his support to Dol Amroth when the decision to attack Minas Tirith was reached. The price for his disobedience .... Death to him and all who resided in his homestead. Dol Amroth's men had attacked midday slaughtering all in their path ... people, animals, buildings all destroyed ... nothing and no one spared.

Kara returned from a mid afternoon ride to find an eerie silence had settled over the village. Closer inspection revealed the true depth of the carnage - animals slaughtered, buildings burnt to the ground and perhaps worst of all, no sign of another living soul... her father, mother, brothers and sisters all that she had held dear to her destroyed, all over one man's greed. It as to her advantage that she had gone riding that afternoon. Gathering what she could from the wreckage she saddled her horse and with a final glance over her shoulder at the smoldering remains she headed North.... taking the status of an exile to avoid detection and sure death, if discovered, at the hands of Dol Amroth's men.

Abandoned and alone she now wanders the lands looking for a place to call home and to build new roots. Deep inside of her she knows that someday she will return and extract her revenge for the wrongs wrought upon her family and village but for now she is content to bide her time, for one thing is certain....Memories fade as time passes.